Fear, or Tim's a big ol' scaredy cat chicken boy (long post about barefoot running)


Sep 15, 2011
As you all know by know (thanks to my incessant whining) I'm on the recovery road from an injury owie. It was a truly barefoot related thing involving asphalt, road construction, and scattered (boulder-sized) gravel. This led to chronic pain over a couple months and lots of self-diagnosing with Dr. Google, since I had horrible care from my primary (don't)care doc. Found out I had metatarsalgia, which is latin for "your foot hurts for no reason I can find," and was given a plan for recovery. Oh, and Morton's Toe (you, know, just for good measure) which made bfr sort of questionable due to 2nd metatarsal stress risk, blahblah...blah.

TL;DR: hurt foot, told BFR was bad idea for me.

For the past four weeks I've been a good boy, resting, using the metatarsal pad in my shoe (didn't use the traditional trainers or orthotics, though, blech), alternating days with the pad and without. Last week I ran 2 miles in minshoes a few days apart (mile mid-week, mile Sunday) and planned to match that this week. I have become very comfortable in my minshoes....

Here comes the fear. I am was scared to run barefoot. I had gotten my head so wrecked that I honestly believed bfr was out for me. I was beginning to accept it as the way things would be. I missed barefoot against ground, I missed running mostly ache and pain free (not counting the owie), and I missed being true to myself as a runner and a person (for reals.). But...if I ran barefoot, I was just putting my foot at risk and was going to end up hurt again. Then, one Chaser Williams had to go and run 50 miles in the mud and rain barefoot and then have the nerve to blog and share it here with the BRS. B@st@rd. Well, I got inspired, I got encouraged, and...

I went for a barefoot run this morning! It was 43 degrees, windy and raining (hey; it's the Pacific Northwest. If we didn't run in these conditions we wouldn't run at all). My feet were cold and my toes got a little numb; but I ran. And smiled the whole way. It was just a half mile. I do have to ease my way back, this much I know for sure. My foot doesn't hurt a half-hour later and it all seems good to go.

Sorry for the novella, but I felt I had to share with the communioty. You guys (and/or gals) have been so supportive and encouraging and I can't thank you enough.

Oh, and Pilot, you're right. Barefoot is best for sure.
Lomad wrote:Then, one Chaser

Lomad said:
Then, one Chaser Williams had to go and run 50 miles in the mud and rain ...

...And let's not forget actual human waste...

Lomad said:
Oh, and Pilot, you're right. Barefoot is best for sure.

I'm not going to say, "I told you so"...



Good job, Lomad. Keep it up! ((go slowly...))
Ahh, yes, it wouldn't be a

Ahh, yes, it wouldn't be a Chaser conversation without poop.

And yes, slow and steady for sure. I'm really working on first metatarsal engagement as advised in my ask the docs thread. It was helpful and weird, all at the same time. Hey, another thing that's like Chaser!
Good for you. I hope it

Good for you. I hope it continues to be a good experience. I would find 43 degrees and raining almost intolerably cold - I don't mind 30 degrees and dry, but wet pavement is a heat sink!
Glad BFR found you again. 

Glad BFR found you again. Stay well!
Thanks, GBurg and TJ! I'm

Thanks, GBurg and TJ! I'm glad it found me again too. I owe a lot of it to the good folks at the BRS!

43 and rainy was indeed cold, GBurg. My personal coldes barefoot run was 37 degrees, but dry. This felt colder. Of course I wasn't out long enough to get fully warmed up so that my body was warming my feet. I think about five more minutes and it would have been business as usual (as far as I remember, anyway) but I didn't want to push things. It'd be easy to just jump right back, but in many ways it's like being a n00b all over again. Gotta take it slllooooowww!
Good to hear Lomad!  Glad to

Good to hear Lomad! Glad to see you're getting back at it. I understand about running in the wet up here, yesterday it was 41 deg F and raining by the time I finished my run. My feet warmed up, but not completely, just enough that I didn't hurt with every step but still had a slight dull tingle. We do get a lot of rain up here Lomad. I am also questioning my barefootedness even though it is what I prefer. Having a problem with my first metatarsal head on the left foot that is making me wonder if I need to have something, even just a thin huarache beneath my feet. Anyhow, good luck and hope you are able to keep running barefoot!
In his defense, he did walk

In his defense, he did walk in to the poop after avoiding a woman who was pooping behind another tree.. who he later ran up and asked her if she "felt better?"

But glad you are back out there! It does feel a ton better. I have started to get the same way with two glass incidents but all in all, it is much better.
Wow! People actually read my

Wow! People actually read my blog?

Glad your doing what you enjoy, but be barefoot! O had to take some unwanted time off due to a muscle stain that was a byproduct of seismoiditis. Its better to keep it safe than to push yourself. You might occasionally get lucky pushing yourself, but it will eventually bust you in the arse...
My heart is full with joy for

My heart is full with joy for you!!!

Congrats on overcoming your fears!!

Oh, and just in case you don't know this BF is better.

Keep it up!
Welcome back Lomad.

Welcome back Lomad.

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