Do compression garments runners and other athletes wear make a difference in health or performance?

I came across this great article on compression garments. Check out my blog post on this which gives you a link to the article Do compression garments runners and other athletes wear make a difference in health or performance?
I do wear CW-X tights when running for health reasons(have I collapsible back) if I don't my hips/itbs let me know...and as many of you know itbs pain is not fun :(
It seems that results are still inconclusive.

However, I have been wearing my Zensah calf sleeves during and after runs. For me, I think it helps keep my achilles tendonitis and posterior tibial tendonitis in check. Perhaps its better bloodflow to the tendons, perhaps its all in my head. All I know is that I feel better during and after runs if I'm wearing the calf sleeves.
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Actually, the problems both pb junkie and barefoot dama described have to do with problems in the kinetic chain, tight calves and core instability. Some of the compression wear use the concept of proprioceptive taping to improve the firing patterns while you run or walk, perhaps this is why you feel improved rather than the compression alone.

A good test for stability in the core is to do a slow deep knee bend in front of a mirror. Typically, if there are core issues, which bring up the concept of dead butt syndrome (something I do not agree is a condition but you may wish to see my blog post on it), when the glut medius does not fire properly, the leg will tighten. Even barefoot running cannot solve problems in the core although it does change your foot plant during your run and your stride.

Foam rollers can be quite helpful in improving this and I recommend their usage bilaterally prior to running. You will notice a difference however, this is generalized fascial release. To do it more specifically, or to get a better understanding of what is going on, it is a good idea to get evaluated by a chiropractic sports certified or diplomate professional. They will look at you more objectively and someone who understands running stride should be quite helpful to you. Also, you can do a video of yourself for about a minute from the side on a treadmill. This can be quite helpful in self evaluation. You can learn alot from our blog at and check out our youtube link at
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Actually, the problems both pb junkie and barefoot dama described have to do with problems in the kinetic chain, tight calves and core instability. Some of the compression wear use the concept of proprioceptive taping to improve the firing patterns while you run or walk, perhaps this is why you feel improved rather than the compression alone.

Makes perfect sense to me. I do a fair amount of core work, but I think abdominal surgery many years ago limits how strong my abs are. I still work on abs/core/back though and use my roller both before and after I run.

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