Do 50ks always hurt?


Sep 28, 2010
So I ran my first 50k yesterday. I used my new balance minimus and they worked pretty amazingly. It would of actually been a pretty friendly trail to do in huaraches, all except for one little part that hurt a bit even in the minimus, but since I had no clue what it was going to be like trained for it in heavier shoes (I trained in the frees on trails and bf on roads, with the expectation that I could switch when the Merrells and New Balances came out).

Anyways though I have a question for people who run these long distances more often. Do they eventually stop hurting so bad? I thought I put in a fair amount of mileage (about 4 weeks of 70+ and one of 80+ with four long runs around 20+ including one 26, all long runs on very hilly courses). I also did a full blown 3 week taper, but I was still in alot of pain near the end. I ache everywhere today, but I don't think I have any injuries just lots of muscle soreness. So I was just curious as to whether you usually expect to hurt like that at the end or whether after a few of them you become just as accostomed to the distance and don't require 24 hours of sitting around like a bum recovering?
ajb, Congratulations on your

ajb, Congratulations on your accomplishment! For me there is always a certain level of discomfort the day after a race. It has varied from race to race for me based on how technical the race was and if I was able to train on similar terrain. Ease back into running and pay close attention to how things feel during recovery. Rushing back too quickly can lead to injury. I hope your recovery goes smoothly and you are back out there soon.
I think the first one is

I think the first one is always the worst. This from a guy who has only run 2 50ks so far

After my first one...well lets not kid around here, DURING my first one, I felt like death and was crying to the volunteers to let me bail and get my DNF. I didn't finish under the alloted time and my body hated me but I am so grateful that I didn't DNF. It was an incredible learning experience.

About a month later I ran my 2nd 50k and I enjoyed it so much better. It was actually quite a bit of fun and my body felt pretty good during and after it.
Congrats on your first.  The

Congrats on your first. The Trail Minimus should have been my shoe selection for Saturday's ultra in Kansas, but I made the mistake of going too minimal on a very rocky trail. There's nothing wrong with being too cautious when picking shoes for an ultra.

I felt hideous after my first 50k, but they definitely get better. I don't think higher mileage has much to do with it; I haven't gone higher than 60 miles/week for my last three. I have heard that banking long runs helps, and my last few ultras seem to confirm that. That said, I still plan on doing about 30 more miles per week for the next one in order to perform better.
Thanks for the congrats and

Thanks for the congrats and its good to know that they do get better. I think probably would of done the same thing with crying to let me DNF if there had been a soul around me at about mile 28. But with no one around I kinda figured I had to keep going.

I'm actually feeling infinitely better today after a quick bike ride. I decided it might help work out some kinks to actually move and it seems to have done the trick.

The shoe decision was a good one. I debated about the wisdom of switching down to them in the last few weeks, but they were prefect for me. I did have a bit of a pang of jealousy when I saw the guy in huaraches though. Especially at the creek crossings. Oh well, maybe next time :)
BTW, myself and a few friends

BTW, myself and a few friends are going to sign up for the Cuyamaca 3 Peaks 50k on July 09. Why not come down and join us?

I volunteered to work an aid station at it last year and I won't try to kid you...this one appears to be tough! Especially if the sun is out in full force. I plan to bust my butt getting into shape and use this as a fitness gauge.
 hmmm that does look

hmmm that does look tempting although a bit sooner than I would of thought of doing another one. The elevation profile looks pretty intriguing though. That big hill must be a beast to be able to have nearly 6 miles flat and still be over 6k gain and drop. I do love big hills. I've already been thinking about which one I want to do next though, so I think I just may come down for that one schedule permitting.
that "hill" is where the aid

that "hill" is where the aid station was located that I helped attend last year. The runners were not happy with it but luckily we had plenty of ice to pass out for them.

What was funny is that the San Diego Bad Rats were running that day and decided to bandit the course just to add in some extra miles. They visited our aid station and looked fresh as if this was just a stroll through a park. That group humbles me whenever I see them. Incredible runners.
Congrats, AJB!  How do you

Congrats, AJB! How do you feel today?
So I actually felt pretty

So I actually felt pretty great by Tuesday. I'm fairly quick when it comes to recovery. Thats why I was so surprised I was in so much pain Sunday night. Normally 24 hours and I'm good to go. But now that its a few days behind me it doesn't seem quite so painful ;-)

I take it they are a bit more serious of a running club than alot of other ones huh? As much as I love hills, I'm pretty certain I never look all that fresh at the top of them. Well except when I decide to actually take a stroll in the park and hike :).