City-Feet on Facebook


Jun 2, 2010
ok, so I got a facebook friend request from this girl last week as well as an invite to join City-Feet. I also noticed that quite a few BRS members were on the page as well so I went ahead and joined.

But immediately after joining I snooped around their site and had to quit them right away. I mean if you have that kind of sexual perversion, sure, but otherwise you may want to check this group out and see what they are actually about.

Sure I like bare feet, but I don't LOVE bare feet.
Ha!  So will you be naming

Ha! So will you be naming names here at the BRS, Shacky. ;-)
 want me to email you the

want me to email you the list?

Hee.  No.

Hee. No.
 I got the same invite

I got the same invite Shacky...took a look at the site first LOL....didn't sign up, but sent the link to a "friend" I know who's into that ;-D