Change in shoe size


May 24, 2011
I finally got a new pair of work shoes. I purchased a pair of faded glory shoes for $12 at Walmart because they have no heel drop and almost no toe spring. I used to wear a size 13 in foot coffin size but when I switched to a sligtly more sensible type of shoe, I had to drop down a full size. And that leaves me with plenty of room. I don't know if this affected my bf running but I was able to run almost twice as far after wearing them for only one day. I was tempted to run more but after reading all the warnings on the subject I dropped down to a walk. Could this one simple change have been what I needed?

What is twice as far?  How

What is twice as far? How many miles did you double?

Some people find that they go down a size because their arches rise, and some people find that they have to have a wider toe box because their fore foot area widens.
I was thinking the same thing

I was thinking the same thing about arches rising as I was reading. But you may find, as I have, that other areas of the foot (mostly the top) builds up as the small muscles of the foot gain strength and grow in size.

Even if you don't go completely barefoot and have a minshoe, the bottom of your feet, especially the heel, will build up. I have been having problems fitting easily into my KSOs (moreso than usual I should say since they're not easy to get on even on a good day) as being barefoot and minimal has worked in ways even I didn't fully anticipate.

My vibram smartwool classics are fast becoming my favorite shoe since they have the open top which gives my feet more room. The lack of roominess in the KSOs is another reason I have been thinking of buying a pair of merrells or zems.

John T.
What I have been doing is a

What I have been doing is a walk/running a .42 mile section of road right in front of where I work. This area has a number of advantages for me. It is close to help if I get into trouble, carries me past my car where I stash my stuff instead of carry it with me and that bit of road is a low traffic area.

I had been walking a complete loop for a warmup then running a small distance then back to walking for a bit of recovery. It took me almost a month to get to just under a quarter of a mile. My last run I ran the whole loop with no ill effects other than my soles were a bit sore and tingly both of which vanished by the end of the day. Not impressive distances but for me I hope a move in the right direction.

Bill, it's believed that the

Bill, it's believed that the tingle comes from new blood capillaries being formed while running barefoot, something shod runners don't experience to the extent that we do. Some barefoot runners talk about itching feet after a run. I remember in the beginning my feet used to itch terribly after some of my runs, and I couldn't scratch them enough! :)
new capillaries? would make a

new capillaries? would make a bit of sense. i just say it's all the nerves finally firing and telling me about everything i stepped on during my run. to me it feels like a wave of pins being pushed into each foot. thankfully it doesn't happen after every run. one problem i have is if its raining when i get home my feet get extremely hot. like painfully hot.

i got interested in BF after reading McDougall's article in Men's Health. I don't know if it was pre or same time as BTR. anyway in the article he stated that after running BF or minimalist his foot problems went away and also shrank two sizes. from 10 to an 8. scary for me but i did it anyhow. i'm a 9 and people already say i have small feet, but they are wide.


Ps. my biks are now tight on me and i have a hard time wearing my kso for long.