Cadence By Barefoot Ken Bob Saxton

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Be sure to check out Ken Bob's article on Cadence on the home page, as well as the other new submissions!
Today after work I put my dad

Today after work I put my dad on the recumbant at the gym and hit the treadmil again, having no real goal in mind.

During the first minute I noticed that the guy next to me seemed to have a loud & slow cadence, so I glanced at his speed read-out: 6.5 mph. I then set mine at 6.5 to see what my cadence sounded like compared to his, and like I suspected it was about double! I counted my footfalls for the first time ever and it was 200/min for a cadence of 100. That made me happy even though to a casual observer I must have been working way harder than him. Sure, he was significantly taller than me (who isn't), but my spinning legs were probably sending less shock to my joints than his even though we probably weighed close to the same.

Cycling I was always the gearhead paying close attention to cadence and swapping out chainrings and freewheel cogs to tweak my style, but who would have thunk cadence was so important to running?

Thanks Ken, seeing him spin those legs on gravel during his 2010 summer tour left a real impression on me.