Buying a Car

Yesterday I went to purchase a new van. I packed up our old van with the three kids and headed out. I only gave it a second thought before I decided to enter the store barefoot. I was greeted normally and was escorted to a table to begin the dance. As I walked past several of the other sales people they made comments about my barefeet. I think one of them said I couldn't be there barefoot, but I just waved him off.

While I was sitting at the table one of the sales people from the peanut gallery had found an extra pair of sneakers and walked over to offer them to me. They were way too large and I told them I was all set. During our negotiations one of my handlers mentioned that his uncle use to always be barefoot. Not sure if I could believe him, but it was a nice way to try and smooth things over. I took the comments as being playful and I don't think they meant to be offensive, though they may have been close to the line, but if you choose to be barefoot, you are bound to draw attention to yourself.

I took the vehicle for a test drive and than we got down to serious business. I was not 100% sure if this was what I wanted so they sweetened the pot continually until I couldn't refuse. I was in the store several hours and barefoot the entire time and got no further comments until I went in to sign the papers. When I arrived in the financial office to sign papers the keeper of papers inquired if I was always barefoot. I told him as much as possible.
I hate it when others try to make us feel uncomfortable, especially on purpose. You handled yourself perfectly!

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