Burning River 100 Mile Race Report: 33.3 barefoot, 67.8 in huaraches

Again - congratulations! You

Again - congratulations! You are an animal, sir. Truly inspirational. I find myself wanting to try it, but I'm afraid I wouldn't enjoy the pain and suffering like you seem to. :p

Great review so far - it looks like you guys had a great time!

Bah. Give us part six

Bah. Give us part six already! :p
I hope you continue to update

I hope you continue to update us on your life in 4 mile increments. I awaited each part of the race report like the next episode of Jersey Shore. That's a good thing...
Jason, seriously, awesome job

Jason, seriously, awesome job with both finishing the race and then writing a very entertaining race report. I feel like stealing some clething ideas from both you and Jesse, a dress shirt and a kilt might just be the ultimate running combo... :D
Thanks everyone! Saypay-

Thanks everyone!

Saypay- Isn't that what Twitter is for? :)

BlindBoy- The only dude that came close to us for eccentric dress was this guy:

Now that's just awesome! When

Now that's just awesome! When (if) I grow up I want to look just like him. He's black-and-white Superman!
Always an inspiration, Jason.

Always an inspiration, Jason. Looking forward to trying out your wardrobe choice for some upcoming trail races and training.