burned my feet!

Damn, Jimmy! That sounds

Damn, Jimmy! That sounds painful. I hope it continues to heal quickly and you can get back to running soon.
 feels better today like it

feels better today like it has the last two days so i'm on a good path.

Wendy thank you for putting my burns in perspective...i've got nothing on you.

Adam it gets wicked hot down here and it does so very quickly so it can sneak up on you, and of course i'm a cowboys fan. how can you not be a fan of the most successful football team ever when they are in your own back yard? i've had a good history with cowboys in my life they have been successful and i've trained a few of them so i'm a lifer.
 Jimmy, I read your post

Jimmy, I read your post about your blisters the other day and thought that's too bad, hope he gets through it OK. Well today, during my BFR transistion, I decided to walk on a bike path for about half a mile. Temp was about 80 and sunny. It's older asphalt, so its more grey than black. It didn't really feel that hot or uncomfortable, but when I got home sure enough I had developed some blisters, not as bad as Adam's though. I've walked this same path in the evening without a problem. I guess the foot's heat sensors are not as reliable as other parts of the body.

PS. Adam: How long did it take for you to resume running after those awful looking blisters?
 it really is surprising how

it really is surprising how the temperatures dont seem to effect the feet as much. i think it's the thicker/tougher skin we develop that does that to us. like i said before my friend felt it immediately and tried to warn me but i didnt feel it so i thought it was just initial sensations of newbie skin.

i dont see a way around it other than to just be knowledgeable about the heat outside and knowing what the breaking point is.
 Jimmy:  I knew you had to

Jimmy: I knew you had to be a Cowboy's fan! Pretty cool on training some of the players as well. My goal someday is to see a home game at the new stadium.

mique: I actually was running 5 days after I got the blisters. My doctor suggested I don't pop the blisters, but I didn't agree with that at all. I am a firm believer that blisters need to be popped. After the second day I said enough is enough and popped them with a pin. After I did that it was so much better.
 i've never had anyone say to

i've never had anyone say to not drain them. you need to leave the skin over it which is something i think people tend to forget but every doc i've worked with in sports has always said drain them. kinda weird you had a doc say not to. how are you supposed to deal with that? big fluid sacks on the bottoms of your feet, you cant walk.
 Draining blisters does

Draining blisters does increase the chance of infection, especially in an area that has so much surface contact.

I'm kind of wishing I had left mine alone and not drained it, but since it was from being frozen with liquid nitrogen, it might have gotten infected no matter what. Once it was infected, I went ahead and took the skin off so I could clean it out well (it has been a week since it was frozen) and bandage it with Neosporin. Under the blister is much deeper than it would be from running, so it is going to be an annoyingly slow healing process.

Live and learn!

I'm glad everyone's scorched feet are feeling better!
I am lucky, I have ran and

I am lucky, I have ran and walked on pavement when it was 90+ degrees out, so far no problems. It's hot for a moment then I am over it.
 nature i have done the same

nature i have done the same thing on the pavement and came away ok. this was on a rubber track so my guess is there's something in the different surfaces that caused my problems.

lava it's ok and i hope for your sake that someday the redskins get their stuff figured out

wendy the nitrogen frozen blisters you had are more likely to get infected than a regular blister because of the level that it goes to in the skin. i asked the doc about that when i was at work and they said those almost always get some sort of an infection so it's not just you :)
That's good to know.  Wish

That's good to know. Wish doc had mentioned it

I'll never take the short cut on warts again. Next time it will just be dilligent use of duct tape!