Blisters - how??


Aug 17, 2013
Hi. IOC anyone can shed some light on this I'd be grateful please...
I have developed blisters on my big toe and second toe of one foot (the big, padded bit directly underneath), and on the other big toe, I have split the skin (again, it's on the big padded bit directly underneath). The split isn't caused by a blister but looks like something has sliced into the skin, making a small slit, quite a few layers down (but not deep enough to bleed).

The skin splitting happened once, on my first time out whilst wearing water shoes but this is the first time since wearing Xero's. the blister on my toe never happened until I wore Xero's for the first time, then it stopped until just yesterday (I usually run 3/week up to 6km on roads and trails).

I'm assuming its a form issue and I'm flummoxed as to what to change. I don't mean I'm perfect, ha, far from it. What I mean is that everything else seems to feel good, ie nothing seems to hurt and it's easy(ish) to breathe. One thing I do find very hard is to up my cadence, so perhaps it's a simple as needing to do this? Im wondering if i might take too big a stride, although im very conscious not to and i always land mid foot, never heel. I have a metronome which I used and found v.useful but I couldn't keep up so I wasn't sure if to continue using. Is cadence something that you have to learn/improve or is it a case of what you have, is what you have? I measured mine roughly as 120/min. If I ran with the metronome I could only keep up for a little while, then I would drop back. Perhaps I took even smaller steps with the 180 cadence and this stopped friction on my toes.

Thanks for any answers I get!
Well, 120 is rather slow, but not sure that is the problem. In the book Tread Lightly the authors seem to suggest that runners fall back to what is comfortable anyway. Less time on the ground might help though. I can't imagine using a metronome. Worse than ear buds IMO. I don't like anything intruding on silence. Maybe counting to yourself 1,2,3,4 at a quick pace?

I had this same problem last week with the second toe of the right foot. After watching some form video on You Tube, I decided I had the "bent head syndrome" and was watching my feet too much. I decided to bend my knees more and straighten the upper torso by keeping my eyes focused ahead and not down. The problem went away immediately. Weird. Can't explain it. Good luck with your journey.
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You say it looks like a sort of deep split which makes me wonder if you're getting something like the heel cracks that barefooters sometimes see. Does the skin seem very dry on those toes? Just recently I got my first heel crack and I also developed two small cracks on the toes. After doing some research, I bought some Flexitol cream and since using it, the skin on the toes and heels has lost that super dry feeling and the cracks have mended.
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Thanks to you both. Yes, Wayne, I too feel 120 is way too slow. I try to go faster, and I manage for a little while but it's so hard to maintain, so I try to do intervals of just a few metres. I think you have a point about leading with the head. When I read that I remembered that in the last couple of weeks I have done more trail running than pavement and I know I look down more because I'm afraid of tripping (I did actually twist my ankle badly last week, ironically I was looking at the scenery at that point!). I even try to stop myself looking down, so I'm aware that I'm doing it. As for the metronome, I thought I'd hate that incessant beeping but actually I find it kind of comforting, weird eh?! Makes me chuckle when I approach someone as you can see them trying to work out where this strange noise is coming from. They usually start looking in their bags or pockets. Sorry Joe Public, it's just me! I've tried counting but my mind wanders and then I'm back to plodding.
Scratch, yes I do have very dry skin. Always have had, even before running. My heels are looking a bit worse now than usual, one has a lovely (yuck) long split which isn't painful or sore in any way but goes half way round my foot. Trouble is, it's now got dirt in from the woods and common I've been on, and I can't get rid. Looks oh so divine when I'm out! I've been using Mushers Secret which is really good, thAnks to the person who blogged about it and sorry not to credit you by name but I read so many and can't remember who was who!
Pigwig, if your cadence really is at 120, then you are probably massively overstriding. If you were in the 160'ish range then I would say it might just be part of your natural stride but at 120 that is extremely low for barefoot running and is more common with shod runners. This also leads me to believe that the blister could be caused from one of two things, either reaching out in front of you with your toes or you are pushing off too much. As far as the crack, I'm not sure. It could be a crack as Scratch suggested or it could actually be a cut from something you didn't see. If I remember correctly you are really pretty new to bfr so your feet may have not strengthened up much yet and could have gotten cut from a rock or stick or whatever debris is on the ground. In any case, I would seriously look at your form and record it if you can and post it in the coaches forum on here so you can get some good feedback that will hopefully help you correct your problems so you can run happy and pain free.
Brilliant you guys, thanks. I will get some Flexitol to help with dryness and I'll try recording my form. It's always so helpful to hear others' viewpoints, especially if it confirms what you think might be happening!
Special thanks for the link to Ahcuah website, haven't discovered that one before. It looks like an interesting read.

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