Blisters and the aftermath (Read: Death by tickling)


Apr 27, 2011
Berlin, Germany
While I haven't finally concluded whether I belong into the Followship of the Mortons Toe (but probably do) I'm living through the aftermath of a pretty large blister below the 3rd and 4th metarsal. The blister ripped open and below it is nice new (and likely more stable) skin but on the outer parts of it there is the remainder of the old skin which is on it's way to be worn off during the days to come.

The bad part about that is that it tickles like hell. Is is better to cut if off until some point at it's surrounding or just endure and live through it?

Thanks for ideas

I trim any loose skin.  It

I trim any loose skin. It can "rip" off during a run, and you don't want that. It doesn't hurt (as in pain) to trim it, so I recommend you trim it.
ok, so you actively cut it

ok, so you actively cut it down close to the flesh. Does that keep it from ripping more and especially keep it from tingling? As long as I keep it moist the tingling subsides but otherwise it is horrible (worse than any gravel i've seen).
Yes, it should help prevent

Yes, it should help prevent it from ripping. I don't get why it tickles though. You must have some serious sensitive feet.
I live by the rule of: If

I live by the rule of: If there's new skin under the dead skin, ready & strong enough to start working, then the blister can be cut, exposing the new skin. That's just me though.

My blisters get pretty itchy too. Running on them (if they're ready) seems to help. Eventually my old skin & new skin sort of get sanded down together.

I'm looking forward to NOT having's getting much better ever since I ditched my Mp3 player. The less I listen to dance music and the more I listen to my body, the better my feet get.