Barefoot Mornings


Sep 6, 2010
So whenever I get up in the morning and I start walking around, my feet are all stiff, and they kinda hurt for a while. Does anyone else get that? It goes away after a while, once my feet get warmed up, and it doesn't hurt too bad, it just kinda feels like I have arthritic feet or something. If anyone has had this, does it go away eventually? I never had any problem back when I wore shoes. (Not that I would ever go back to that.)
This is something that has

This is something that has been brought up here and there before. Some say that tightness is all part of the adjustment/conditioning phase and will eventually go away. Others say it's part of the repair process just as when you've been lifting weights and feel sore or tight the next day. For me, I can't say one way or the other, since I deal with Morton's Neuroma, and that messes up several areas of my feet as it is.
 I had that problem when I

I had that problem when I first started running barefoot. It went away after a couple of months. The more you go barefoot outside of running the better it gets. You get conditioned quicker if you stay barefoot as much as you can or want to.
 I tend to agree with the

I tend to agree with the idea that it's part of the 'repair' process...I tend to get something like that after I've pushed myself, either in pace or distance. I used to get it more often when I was in the early phases of adapting. To me, it also feels similar to the muscle soreness I get after weight training.
I was just discussing this

I was just discussing this with the foot doc on Friday. As mentioned, it has to do with the repair process, but what she said was that it depends on the position of your foot while you sleep. I tend to sleep on my stomach, so my toes are pointed and the fascia on the bottom of my foot heals in a 'contracted' position. So when i step out of bed in the morning, the fascia is getting stretched back out to a normal position. She said that if i were to sleep with my feet flexed, i wouldn't have the pain in the morning when i get out of bed because the fascia would have been in its normal or stretched position overnight. The doc also suggested that i could wear some 'night splints' while i sleep to keep my foot flexed....i'll declined.
On the subject of plantar

On the subject of plantar fasciitis, bburns, that is exactly what I'm always saying. Another thing to do is if you find yourself sleeping on your tummy, point your toes into the mattress and straighten your leg to stretch out the calf muscles. This will help before taking that first step of the morning pain as well. Also, when you do step out of bed, step with your foot flexed, instead of letting a pointed to guide your first step. Try it, it works wonders for avoiding reinjuring the fascia with that first step. Number one thing that works though is mega stretching your calves till it almost hurts several times a day.