Barefoot is Legal

Tyler J L

Jun 27, 2016
Des Moines, Iowa
I recently joined the Barefoot is Legal Facebook page. Anyone else a member of that? One of them, whose name is Erica, lives right by Fort Des Moines Park in the apartments not far from there. Some coincidence. What's more we also went to Lincoln High School in Des Moines. I graduated in '11, Erica in '08. We're going to do a barefoot walk together for the barefoot autism challenge in April.
It's surprising how many people think barefoot is somehow illegal. I had a police officer pull me up for riding my scooter barefoot, to which i replied with a very sarcastic tone... 'And i'm not wearing any gloves, and that's not illegal either, so good day to you.' and rode off leaving him standing there before he could say another word.

Good to hear you found local barefooters nearby. I live at the seaside and the only times my friends go barefoot is on the beach, but at least i still get barefoot walks with them which is always nice.
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By the way Lorri, do you think you want to do my Barefoot Autism Challenge? If you are, I can share you the link to the page where it has everything you need to know.
Hi Tyler, i just went over to the facebook page and signed up. Will have a go at some friends before April comes along and see if they want to come for a walk down the beach.
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Yeah, 'Growing Young' is a project i'm working on that i hope to turn into a business in a few year's time coaching older people with diet and exercise to get more enjoyment and fun out of their later years. We have a lot of very wealthy older people where i live as it's a very popular retirement destination for those with a big bank balance, so hoping to help them to get everything they would want from their retirement and get paid nicely at the same time. No one needs to grow old and sick, we can all grow young and healthy if we chose to.
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Yeah, 'Growing Young' is a project i'm working on that i hope to turn into a business in a few year's time coaching older people with diet and exercise to get more enjoyment and fun out of their later years. We have a lot of very wealthy older people where i live as it's a very popular retirement destination for those with a big bank balance, so hoping to help them to get everything they would want from their retirement and get paid nicely at the same time. No one needs to grow old and sick, we can all grow young and healthy if we chose to.
That actually makes a lot of sense. Well good luck on your project and thank you for wanting to do my autism challenge.
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Oh shame on us!
Read this morning in a post of our local newspaper...
Dans son règlement intérieur, le musée du Louvre indique qu'une "attitude correcte est exigée du public" et qu'il est interdit "d'être en maillot de bain, nu, torse nu ou pieds nus". :(
Sure you've catched it: :barefoot: is forbidden in our well known museum.


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