Barefoot in Nebraska... in December?

Go Barefoot

Oct 25, 2011
Grand Island, NE
Global climate change may be bad for the environment but I've sure enjoyed being able to do some outdoor barefoot walking/ running this last week where during a "normal year" a stunt like that would cause your toes to fall off and quite possibly both feet. That is just what I decided to do Friday afternoon. The temperature reached a crazy 55 degrees with light winds so I walked/ran barefoot on the local trails. I was a bit worried about the looks I would receive going barefoot on the trails here in December then decided, who cares! Turns out nobody seemed to notice at all. Well, maybe it was because the people I met on the trail where so bundled up they didn't even notice. Mostly walked since I had not done much running lately due to cold temps and didn't want to put myself out of commission for more warm weather later in the week. Managed to walk/run 7.5 miles and found it very relaxing. Both feet were getting slightly sore towards the end but ran along side the last stretch of the trail where dirt was pushed along side the newly poured concrete. This was probably the best foot massage one could ever receive. The dirt was cool, soft, slightly wet from the last snow and a whole lot more comfy than the concrete trail. Bet running BF on dirt trails would be a blast. Talk about spring fever... oh yeah, its only December!
It's still warm down here in

It's still warm down here in Georgia too. Very strange for this time of year. Normally it's in the freezing temps by now. Enjoy the foot massage. It's free!
Oh, and be sure to join our

Oh, and be sure to join our Nebraska Chapters under the Chapters tab up top. We have two Nebraska Chapters, and you can join up to four of them.
Yep we have had some mild

Yep we have had some mild weather so far but I'm not complaining.... except for the rain.

Last year the week after thanksgiving (deer season) there was a good 6-8" of snow down. This year its the end of december and we have barely got a dusting maybe 3 times, all gone the same day it came. I dont have much cold tolerance (yet) either, so these warm days have been great because I'm still transitioning and going into minimalist while transitioning isnt the best situation. But it seems so far at least once a week its been warm enough on my run day to go bf but I'm sure that will come to an end soon.
I too have been trying to

I too have been trying to keep in condition so that once spring hits I'm not having to start all over from the beginning. Nothing seems to work better than actually getting out and running/walking BF. My goal for 2012 is to run some maybe 5Ks or 10Ks (to start off with - something short!) which this would be my first time at any running event and would like to try it BF. Probably wont attempt any till mid summer or fall as I want to avoid any TMTS problems. Depends on how much preparation I can achieve in the spring and summer. Does anybody know if you can run most events BF or do I need to ask? I've never ran in any event yet and didn't know if you can ditch the flip flops before the race begins and run or if there has to be a BF category. Anybody have any experiences or advise?
if you race don't ask just do

if you race don't ask just do it. if you get approached just say ok and go get lost in the crowd quickly. you paid your entrance and likely signed a waiver. if they give you grief then that's when you have to get creative or argue. if you ask before you're likely to be told you can't so just do it.
There was a guy last year who

There was a guy last year who ran the Lincoln marathon barefoot. I'm in Omaha & I'll be running some races this summer bf or in my VFFs.
Still barefooting it here in

Still barefooting it here in Norway, too.
Go, I've not heard of anyone

Go, I've not heard of anyone being kicked out due to the barefootedness, although I'm sure it's happened. Don't announce that you're going to be running it barefoot. Like Nike says, "Just do it!" If you run into trouble while you're out there, then like Mig says, pretend to excuse yourself, then get back into the race, or if you're a pretty fast runner, out run them. Ha! That'll teach 'em!

JMC, haven't you heard of the Omaha Marathon? They have barefoot runner divisions for the full, the half, and the 10K. I ran the half myself a couple years ago, and placed first female, second behind Barefoot Benny, which is a crock because women and men shouldn't be in the same division, but I digress... Where was I? Oh yea. Consider running that. They even have separate awards for the BFR division, which is kinda sweet as a little keepsake of your achievement.
Sounds like good advise the

Sounds like good advise the "Just do it!". What could they do? Take my birthday away, - call the shoe police, brand my forehead with a foot print, or - stone me with used smelly running shoes at the finish line? The last thing they will hear after the starting shot is Meep! Meep! Then see a cloud of dust like the Warner Brothers Road Runner!
If only I could run that fast!

May have to give that Omaha 10K a try. That race is in the fall is it not? I could be prepared for a 10K by then, maybe more depending on the condition of my Goodyears at that time. Maybe I need a Coyote (Wile E.) to chase me this spring for enhanced training. May check out the Lincoln race also. Maybe nothing would be said if I try some of the local tri cities races this summer as planned. Guess I will find out. Can always default to my Vibrams I suppose. Neah!

! Meep!
Exactly.  What are they going

Exactly. What are they going to do about it? Arrest you? When racing barefoot at first, we tend to feel a little exposed, a little naked, a little naughty, like we're doing something wrong. But after you've raced publicly a couple of times, you totally forget about feeling that way and really start to embrace it. Any doubts become challenged in your mind.

The Omaha races take place in late September. Very barefoot-friendly, unless you don't like cobblestone, which is only for a very short period of time, but the rest is mostly concrete. I hope to get back up there one of these years.
You will get addicted to the

You will get addicted to the attention you get at races for going barefoot and you will meet some cool new friends. It's a win all around.

I was able to run 8 miles last week barefoot. Kind of odd for Nashville in December but I'll take it. Each day we get a little more sunshine. Spring is almost here. :)
Isn't the weather strange

Isn't the weather strange here in the south, Paintboy? I'm in Georgia, and we've only had a handful of frost mornings, and nearly all of the afternoons have been good to perfect barefoot running weather.
Barefoot TJ wrote:Isn't the

Barefoot TJ said:
Isn't the weather strange here in the south, Paintboy?

heck, I'm in Germany and we haven't had anything even closely resembling winter yet. Rain and drizzle, and quite warm, and that's it so far. And in German fashion, instead of just enjoying what we've got, I'm thinking how it's going to affect the mosquito and horsefly populations later in the year, like, this summer.
I'm also wondering, if when

I'm also wondering, if when winter finally comes, will that make spring come even later?
It is going to be in the 50s

It is going to be in the 50s to 60 all this week until the weeked. I plan to do some barefoot running after work the next couple of days. Beats stomping in the gravel bucket I made last week. Sounds like temps will be in the upper 40s next week also. Seems as though 40 degrees is about as cold as I can take for right now.
Finally, it's been below

Finally, it's been below freezing here the past two days. When I took my kitty to the vet this morning at 8:00, it was 19 degrees F. Yippee!
I will check out the Omaha

I will check out the Omaha Marathon. For some reason, people seem to like the Lincoln one better. It would be cool to meet up with other bf runners around here.

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