Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) - A Special Request

Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT)
A Special Request
By George Carter

(as shared with the Australia Chapter)

Thanks to everyone for their support!!

You all helped me raise close to $2000 for Autism Spectrum Australia - your generosity reassures me that our society has not completely gone cold to the plight of others.

So on Sunday, September 22nd 2013, I upheld my end of the bargain…

As ready as I could possibly be, I went out there and covered 42.195k without shoes and survived.

There were many interesting distractions along the way - the heat caught me by surprise, so did the AntiSkid paint, the squashed energy gels and broken plastic cups, the cobblestone paths and my old favourite - gumnuts!!

By 34k I felt I was competing in my very own Sasuke Ninja Warrior episode!

It took 4 hours 47 minutes and a lot of deals with myself to finish but I got there.

I don't expect to ever go that far again barefoot but it proves that it's a sustainable way to run. I've suffered bad knees and back problems for years and the only time it goes away is when I'm running - with shoes I was lucky to finish the City2Surf! It wasn't an easy transition but for me, it was wholly worth it.

Thanks again and get out there guys!!


Good job !
That's great!

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