Article: Plantar Fasciitis By Dr. Mark Cucuzzella

Jesse James

Jul 15, 2011
Great ArticleDr. Mark Cucuzzella,

I published a blog on treating plantar fasciitis on the same day, although mine was focused primarily on self treatment. I am happy to see you focused much more on shoe transition and corrective exercise. I would love to hear your feedback on my article Self Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis. Have a great weekend.

Jesse James Retherford
I hadPlantar Fasciitis in my left foot fifteen years ago and saw a podiatrist who fitted me with a heel cup which worked great.

Recently the same foot flared up again. I started barefoot running last year, but since I had plantar fascitis many years before I had even heard of barefoot running, I did not blame the current flare up on going barefoot. In fact, to cure it this time I didn't even put my heel cup back on I pursued going barefoot even more. I continued to run - actually running was more comfortable than walking because I don't heel strike when I run. I tried massage with a bottle, but I was massaging right on the heel, which seemed to make it worse so I stopped that. Basically, stretching every morning, and dialing back my running miles was my treatment and it worked.

Thanks for the articles I learned some things to try if it ever flares up again.
Thank you for your fantastic article. Practically all the advice it contains matches up with the weapons in my PF-fighting armoury, accummulated through a long and depressing 16-month bout. When it first reared its ugly head, 3 weeks before Edinburgh marathon last spring, I iced it, stretched my calves, rested and so on. Nothing doing. I then went to see a physio, who got me doing loads of core exercises (many of which I'd already been doing - he just told me to do more) and when that didn't work, another physio, who taped it up. A few months on and the problem was the same. So I went to see a podiatrist, who put me in orthotics, custom-made. (I'd started running barefoot a littlein 2007 and had been wearing minimal footwear(Vivo Barefoot) since then.) There I was, back in 'trainers' with orthotics - mind you, I'd have worn a jester's hat if I thought it was going to get me back to running again.... I felt miserable and as if I could barely remember how to run with all this 'stuff' under my feet. And, still no difference. I limped on for a few more months before deciding that if natural running was what I believed in, then I should stick to my guns. So I got rid of the orthotics, started working on my foot strength (and just as importantly, mobility), got myself a set of CorrectToes and stayed barefoot as much as possible. I also took the Vivo Barefoot 'Barefoot Running' Coach course in June with the eminent Lee Saxby. THIS time, if my foot hurt, I didn't rush back to orthotics, I just put on my Vivos and lived with it. Over the past 4 months, my pain has diminished more than at any other time and I am able to run more regularly than any time since the problem began. Arch support is a red herring - and most podiatrists who prescribe orthotics automatically assume that runners land on the heel and roll through. If you tell them otherwise, they look a bit worried and then go on extolling the virtues of orthotics. I ran a 21.47min 5km at the weekend - not my best by a long stretch but so happy to be back on track. Mobilise your toes, especially the big one, check out CorrectToes, work on form and stay barefoot!

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