Article: Member Blog of the Week - A new way to eat for me By Dunetraveller


Jun 5, 2010
The "paleo" diet, starting with MarkSisson's"The Primal Blueprint,"probably saved my life. Without going into the details, Iam no longer on any medications, I haven't had a gout attack in a year, myblood pressure is low normal (from way, way high), I have completely reversed what my doctor diagnosed as "pre-diabetes," and I have lost 30 pounds.

A really, really good consequence of this paleo lifestyle is that my medical bills have gone from about $2000 per year to exactly zero dollars per year. January 6, 2010 was the last time I have been inside a doctor's office. In my world view, now, carbohydrates are the enemy and saturated fats are my friends. I stopped counting carbs several months ago but I can state with certainty my daily carb intake is less than 25 gm/day.

Remember, boys and girls, the government and conventional wisdomare always wrong.