Article: Don’t get burned: What to consider when picking the best treadmill for barefoot running By


Oct 29, 2010
I wonder if it's possible to switch the belt, so that you don't have to make your decision based on a single criteria such as the belt type. When I helped my mom choose a treadmill, we focused on ones that have a hard setting on the suspension adjustment. It's good that she bought the hardest one but, its belt is very abrasive.

By the way, it's much more difficult to prevent blisters while running on a treadmill, due to the heat produced by the machine itself. Because of that, I don't use the treadmill.
Hi Nyah,

It is possible to have the belt switched to a different one on several of the treadmills I tested. I asked several of the manufacturers if it was possible and each one said that it was. However, they also said that it would cost extra in parts and labour, as well, in some cases, would 'devalue' the treadmill. If you don't plan on reselling the treadmill, the devaluing is a non-issue. The extra cost in parts and labour varied.
