Another New Guy From Texas

bubba hotep

Nov 29, 2011
So, seriously, people run without shoes? I'll be at Rocky Raccoon with those two other new Texas posters but I will most likely be running that in a pair MT110s. However, I do keep it real most of the time and will be making a go at a barefoot 100k this weekend. I have not crunched the numbers in a while but I will probably finish this year up with 1,500+ BF miles and 2,200ish total miles. I plan to go for 2,000 BF miles and 3,500 total miles in 2012. Thanks for having me over.
Welcome noob and enjoy your

Welcome noob and enjoy your stay!!!
Well there goes the

Well there goes the neighborhood!

Glad you found your way over man!
Be sure to check out our

Be sure to check out our mileage club sticky thread at the top of the main forum! Welcome!
TXDavehorn wrote:Texas

TXDavehorn said:
Texas taking over!

Yes.... Everything is going according to my master plan... Even though the world as a whole hasnt embraced phase 1, which was 100% public nudity 100% of the time, things are still going according to plan.... Muahahahahaha!!!!


Hysterical! :lol: