1st post and question(s)


Jun 26, 2010
Hi All, 1st post here... I've been a RW and birthdayshoes lurker for a while now. I guess barefooting sparked my interest because it just looks like fun, I've since read of the possible injury reduction. I've had PF pain on/off for years now and has at times stopped me from wanting to run. I got a pair of VFF's and was expecting to just get out there and start running... then I researched it more and found it best to start out barefoot (and maybe just stay that way when possible). This is where my question/problem comes in... I've been running more the past 4 months or so and have been participating in 5k's. My goals have been to keep up with the 5k's, add some speed, start 10k's later in summer and then a half at years end. I've started Hal Higdons intermediate 10k plan and am liking it. After all these "goals" were set, I wanted to pick up barefooting... can I keep up with the 10k training in shoes and add in barefoot training (via. Lose The Shoes plan)? I realize that it might be counterproductive in ways... just hoping that this might not be the case.

Thanks in advance... this place seems awesome!

I think running a 10K or a

I think running a 10K or a half are both goals that are within reach for a new barefoot runner within the year, especially if you aren't going to ditch the shoes completely.

I suggest that if you plan to run these races in shoes that you don't ditch the shoes for your long runs. The most important part of a long race training program is the long run. You absolutely need to have that endurance base if you hope to finish the race. I would mix in the barefoot running during the week on one of your recovery days and slowly work it into other aspects of your running program. Maybe by program's end you'll be able to do the whole thing barefoot or in VFFs.

Also remember when you're following these two plans at once that you shouldn't force one plan for the sake of another. Don't try to do too much distance in VFFs just because your race plan says you should, and vice versa. These might seem like contrary goals at first, but eventually your body will adapt to both training programs and you should be fine.
saypay45 wrote: These might

saypay45 said:
These might seem like contrary goals at first, but eventually your body will adapt to both training programs and you should be fine.

yea... that's pretty much what I was worrying about... I just don't want to totally stop running to relearn and start from scratch.

Thanks for the input!
Welcome, Mikee!  SP has sound

Welcome, Mikee! SP has sound advice. Just echoing what he said, in sorts, I would just make sure you knew you could complete the race distance barefoot a week or two prior to the actual race.

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