are barefoot people like muslim women or black ppl in the 50's?


Sep 17, 2014
"doing impressive or socially unnaceptable things will make you notorious" animus in assassins creed 2

muslim women without a burka are so rejected and blamed because the tradition is against it

black people were so rejected before the 70's

we barefoot people are rejected (non newzealand people) in a similar way isnt it? because tradition is against us

but due to internet going barefoot (very wise and beauty) is becoming more and more widespread

"a new scientific truth doesnt triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it" -max planck

and tradition operates the same, new generations will be more open to going barefoot and will come closer to what ppl do in new zealand (as long as disinformation of the shoe companies and podhiatrists is not big)

what do you think about it? do you have more examples like those?
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I think their persecution is much worse, more grave than ours.
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I think their persecution is much worse, more grave than ours.
mm maybe, to muslim women specially

blak people werent so bad, i think very similar to bf

they couldnt go to some restaurants, they have special toilets for black people, they were very rejected, in public transportation they were separated, they had less rights, trheated with less respect

isnt that similar to what many countries do with bf people?
i mean but only with bf people who want to go bf most or all of the time, with people that only run barefoot etc those are not so rejected
It's not the same as racism because barefoot people have a choice, at least in free societies. What we are is in a minority group, but only if we choose to be, much like you choose to be vegan.

The difficulty being in a minority group is just that, you're in a minority. It's hard to stand for something on you own, even if you think it will benefit the community you live in.
Even civil rights groups get large support groups within communities. Martin Luther King didn't make his famous speech on his own, he was just the spokesman for the voice of many.

For any movement to become even marginally accepted in societies takes years, and with barefoot we're not just fighting petty predudices and ignorance, we are fighting big corporations with huge financial backing behind them.

Everyone in the barefoot community has a part to play, no matter how small, the trick is to find out where you're most comfortable.

We are not being persecuted, we are being challenged to prove our claims by example.

An example could be as small as just telling someone you like to be barefoot, or writing a blog, find a place where you feel comfortable and be yourself.
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It's not the same as racism because barefoot people have a choice, at least in free societies. What we are is in a minority group, but only if we choose to be, much like you choose to be vegan.

The difficulty being in a minority group is just that, you're in a minority. It's hard to stand for something on you own, even if you think it will benefit the community you live in.
Even civil rights groups get large support groups within communities. Martin Luther King didn't make his famous speech on his own, he was just the spokesman for the voice of many.

For any movement to become even marginally accepted in societies takes years, and with barefoot we're not just fighting petty predudices and ignorance, we are fighting big corporations with huge financial backing behind them.

Everyone in the barefoot community has a part to play, no matter how small, the trick is to find out where you're most comfortable.

We are not being persecuted, we are being challenged to prove our claims by example.

An example could be as small as just telling someone you like to be barefoot, or writing a blog, find a place where you feel comfortable and be yourself.

I absolutely love your writing so clear and concise wise one :)
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It's not the same as racism because barefoot people have a choice, at least in free societies. What we are is in a minority group, but only if we choose to be, much like you choose to be vegan.

The difficulty being in a minority group is just that, you're in a minority. It's hard to stand for something on you own, even if you think it will benefit the community you live in.
Even civil rights groups get large support groups within communities. Martin Luther King didn't make his famous speech on his own, he was just the spokesman for the voice of many.

For any movement to become even marginally accepted in societies takes years, and with barefoot we're not just fighting petty predudices and ignorance, we are fighting big corporations with huge financial backing behind them.

Everyone in the barefoot community has a part to play, no matter how small, the trick is to find out where you're most comfortable.

We are not being persecuted, we are being challenged to prove our claims by example.

An example could be as small as just telling someone you like to be barefoot, or writing a blog, find a place where you feel comfortable and be yourself.
virtual choice id say, jews for example have the option of not being jew, but they will not stop to being jew, so they really dont have a choice to not be jew

indeed, the barefoot minority will grow a lot, more and more people many thanks to internet eventually will see that going barefoot is so benefical and modern shoes are very bad for foot's health

so true, and they will create disinformation and do a lot of things to avoid people go barefoot and keep buying their products
podhiatrist will do the same, they are not interested in healthy feet because they cant make profit of it

didnt any of you already seen disinformation for podhiatrist? ive heard a podhiatrist say going barefoot is bad because it doesnt give any support to your feet,
others say there are no studies proving going barefoot is better than wearing shoes (of course they are, bunions, weakness etc are caused by shoes, thats scientifically proved and simple logic proved also)

yes, i prefer to make publicity of it, did any of you tried you can tell (if you are fast) a publicity of going barefoot to hundreds of different people in just 10 minutes

I grew up in a very regressed area of the south where there are still lots of ignorant and racist people. I can honestly say I saw more hatred, yes actual hatred, towards a person just because of their skin color than I EVER saw directed towards me for running barefoot.

I dont have a clue what your trying to say here, and I think you might have missed the ball on what slavery was in America, and what racism still (unfortunately) is.

I usually wouldnt respond to something like this, but I feel like comments like this only lend to the anti barefoot mindset. Comparing unshod running to racism is... Well... It's quite small minded really. I dont think anyone has been beaten or killed because they were running barefoot.

I grew up in a very regressed area of the south where there are still lots of ignorant and racist people. I can honestly say I saw more hatred, yes actual hatred, towards a person just because of their skin color than I EVER saw directed towards me for running barefoot.

I dont have a clue what your trying to say here, and I think you might have missed the ball on what slavery was in America, and what racism still (unfortunately) is.

I usually wouldnt respond to something like this, but I feel like comments like this only lend to the anti barefoot mindset. Comparing unshod running to racism is... Well... It's quite small minded really. I dont think anyone has been beaten or killed because they were running barefoot.

why its so difficut to realise that racism against skin is in base the same as racism against BAREFOOT

THATS the analogy,

ha no friend they could be beaten the same a blak person could be beaten

such small mind to fail to realise such a simple analogy between intolerance racism against skin vs intolerance racism against going barefoot ;)

simple logic is easy yet difficult to reach it seems Chaserwilliams

i dont like to humiliate like this but ur comment annoyed me greatly

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