Has Anybody Run a Marathon Barefoot in all 50 States?


Jan 24, 2013
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hello Fellow Barefoot Runners:

I'm a newbie barefoot runner having run totally barefoot only for the first in a full marathon just 3 weeks ago and again running barefoot on another full marathon just last week in Bermuda. It made me wonder, however, if anybody has ever completed a marathon in all 50 States running totally barefoot. I'm really curious because that would be an awesome FEET!!!

11-Star Vega
Hello and welcome here amongst the barefooted runners! :barefoot:
As for your question, I'm not sure that running a barefoot marathon in Alaska would be such a good idea...
have you not seen the Iceman video posted on here??
Hi Zetti,
I have the indistinct impression (but please keep this for yourself!!) that the Iceman is an alien - you know, as in: "it's a life form, captain, but not as we know it". :D
I mean, there are lot's of really cold planets out there, so Alaska would be just slightly warmer than what he is used to, but still "nicely refreshing" compared to the rest of the planet earth!
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