More thoughts on the "barefoot versus minimalist" shoes issue and the difficulty of abandoning an un

The last 17 days have been an interesting journey for me. First was the Burning River 100 Mile Endurance Run. One of my goals was to run the entire race barefoot. I made it to mile 33 before an especially gravelly section sabotaged my efforts. Fearing the slowed pace would slow my pace beyond the cutoff times, I ran the rest in huaraches. While it sucked not reaching that goal, I ended the race on a high note which stoked a competitive fire.

This past weekend, I ran the Fallsburg Marathon near my home in Michigan. I ran it sans shoes. The course was changed from last year, which I also ran barefoot. A long section of gravel road greatly slowed my pace, which significantly affected my time. Furthermore, the beating from the rougher-than-expected gravel limited my ability to run the trail sections with abandon. The result was a less-than-enjoyable experience.

I wrote a blog post about this on my barefoot Chronicles blog. All of the comments basically urged me to wear some sort of shoe when conditions warrant. Since the race, I have struggled with the decision... should I stop pushing my own barefoot boundaries in races and instead focus on times? If taken at face value, the decision seems simple. Barefoot Josh had a thought-provoking blog post about this very topic... it helped my clarify my own motivations.

Here's the dilemma- I really enjoy challenging myself on difficult terrain. However, I think I may be reaching a plateau in regards to barefoot ability. As you progress in ability, you experience diminishing returns. No matter how much I train on the gnarliest terrain I can find, there are some conditions (namely densely-packed sharp rocks over a hard compressed dirt base) that are really difficult.

Given the training time I have, I do not think I will be able to get to the point of mastering this particular obstacle. I'm okay with this challenge on a training run, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to stomach in a race setting.

Originally, I ran ultras for the challenge of finishing. After finishing two 100 milers, Ifeel I've reached that goal. The next goal was to finish a 100 barefoot. That goal seems very unlikely. As an alternate goal, I am VERYtempted to chase a faster time or a more difficult course. That goal is incompatible with the barefoot 100. To chase the second, I have to abandon the first.

My problem- I've never had a serious goal I could not reach. Can I do that? Can I just give up on it and focus on another? It seems like a simple idea... but it is surprisingly difficult to accept.

The practical reader is probably thinking "why not just put it off until later?" It's a valid point. I should be able to just set that goal further back in the queue. Unfortunately, my brain doesn't work like that.

As I read through Josh's post, I could relate to each of his 10 points. It also helped me realize I was missing out on the enjoyment of some races simply because of my drive to reach one particular goal.

While it will be difficult to lace up the huaraches for my next rugged race, I think I will be okay with the decision.


The only thing Ithink about when you say stuff like this Jason is your long distance success at Mind the Ducks. Ithink you have been frustrated by the courses you've chosen to attempt 100 miles rather than the distance itself.

I'd say that going 100 miles on a course like Burning River may not be possible (yet), but Ithink doing a looped course 100 mile or something with terrain similar to Mind the Ducks is still possible for you.

Maybe you just need to break your goals up into smaller pieces. 100 miles +trail course may not be possible, but if you just focus on getting 100 miles any way you can maybe you can acheive it.
"Given the training time I have, I do not think I will be able to get to the point of mastering this particular obstacle."

This is a very valid point. The commitment you have to train for a 100 miler is remarkable especially while raising 3 children. I understand your hesitation about giving up your goal, and doappreciate your openness about it. Looking forward to reading more about your journey.
Like the others have said, maybe you should pick a course that's a bit more barefoot friendly if you really want to do a barefoot 100. I think this is one aspect where your approach of loww mileage isn't working out, your feet aren't tough enough for 25+ hours of nasty trails and I think there really isn't any other way to make them adapt than through constant high mileage over rough terrain. Then again, I really don't know what I'm talking about, I get in trouble when I run more than 30 mpw, regardless of surface.

Like I said before, if you're not having fun, why bother? It's not like you're going to be winning any races anytime soon so there's really no point in being miserable...

And just to balance out all the negativity:I'm really, really impressed with anyone who's capable of running 100 miles and running it in nothing more than huaraches is even more impressive. You really don't have anything to prove.
I've said it before; I'll say it again and again and again. It's okay if your goals change from time to time. Why do we have to be all or nothing? Why is it either or? Duncan's article on the home page, which if you haven't read it yet, I recommend you should, talks about this very thing. I think you will be able to relate very well to it.

I agree with what the others are saying. If you want that barefoot 100-miler, then find a course you know is doable. There's no shame in saying you didn't run a 100 mile gravel ridden trail run barefoot.

I think substituting your footwear and incorporating barefoot into your runs and races is just fine. Again, why does it have to be one or the other? If a particular race calls for something minimal to complete it, then put on something minimal. If you know you can do it bare, then do it bare.

I think your experiences in running are awesome, and they are helping you to grow as an athlete and a person. You're figuring it out as you go along, and there's nothing wrong with that.We'll be here to support you no matter what you have or have not on your feet.
remember what i said in the video? (you:"i'm rethinking my goal of a BF 100", me: "barefoot on a track?" you, "something like that.") well, there is something like that. it is called the 24 hour race. train hard and you can break 100 miles in 24 hours, and do 100 miles barefoot. in the spring you've got FANSin minnesota or northcoast in ohio in the fall... plus a whole slew of them that are on not too difficult cross country type courses or nicely paved walking trails. remember how surprised you were that mind the ducks was fun and not boring? that doesn't change when you add more time. your likelihood of success is very high. if you want a BF 100, and you want 100 in 24 - two birds with one stone. you are not giving up your love of trails by doing this. i love trails too, so i choose to race on both: summer trail races, spring and fall road races, all with varying goals. come on - you're a problem solver... here is the answer to the problem. your welcome.

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