
Last fall, I started barefoot running. I was just getting my soles conditioned when I overdid it on some soft ground and hurt something in my low ankle. By the time I was back to normal, it was cold, then the cold ground inhibited my training. I know some people BFR in the cold, but I'm just not there yet. (Maybe ever).

So it was a cold wet spring and I bought some Fivefinger KSOs. I started running in them. For me it's not enjoyable as barefoot, but better than real shoes. I also found trails. I love running my local trail barefoot-- it's super non-technical and I can manage it without shoes, but it's short. Unfortunately, because of all my winter wimpiness, by the time the weather warmed up, my plantar skin had lost all of its toughness and I couldn't go more than half a mile on streets BFR. I got into a pattern. Run the .75 miles to the trailhead in my KSOs (a very crappy craggy pebbley section of town), then sit down, take off my shoes, run a mile of trails, come out, put my shoes back on and come home the long way. Three miles, give or take, a little barefoot, it was a workable plan.

But it wasn't as barefoot as I'd like to be. I had begun to feel like an imposter, calling myself a barefoot runner, but rarely being truly unshod. So yesterday I set out for a quick run with no shoes. I figured I wouldn't get more than a mile in, so I set out a pair of gray cotton shorts and my husband's Spider Man t-shirt that I'd been wearing all day. I added my Garmin and a ball cap just for good measure and started off (towards the part of town with better streets, of course).

Then something strange happened. The street didn't hurt my feet. The sidewalk didn't hurt either. The rocks that came out of people's driveways, did, however. Those are really pointy! Also, my right calf wasn't too tight -- it's been bothering me lately, in my VFFs. I ran half a mile, no pain. Next thing I know, I'm over a mile away and I had to turn around to come start dinner. If I hadn't had a time crunch, I could have run farther. It was great! I guess all that wandering around town without shoes has actually made more difference than I thought.

And just like that, I'm a barefoot runner again.


Yayyy! That a-ha moment when you realize a certain surface doesn't really hurt anymore it a great thing. I really think walking barefoot makes a huge difference in helping to toughen the soles up. I'm glad you had such a good outing!
I want to thank you for a very inspiring blog Norm. I've been doing most all my runs in my vff's as I've really bumped my mileage up to get ready for a marathon and a couple of ultra's later this summer. I tend to get worried about injuries as race day gets nearer, so I have kept with the vff's to keep from doing something stupid. But, at the same time,I've felt a little like I'm letting myself down...almost like I'm cheating by using them too often. So, tonight, after reading your blog, I left the 5's at home and took off on the same trail run I did last night...6.2 miles of mud and hills... and had an awesome run! I was smiling the whole way! My feet felt great as the mud squished between my toes. Iran it as fast tonight as I did last night, a nice 7 minute pace caused not even the smallest of objections from my feet.

These are the kind of things that make the BRSso helpful. Because of your post Ihad a fantastic run. Congratulations on your little break thru, and thanks again for inspiring mine.

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