You Know You’re a Barefoot Runner When….

You Know You’re a Barefoot Runner When…
By MuddyJ

You know you’re a Barefoot Runner when… (in no particular order)

  1. ….You can quote “Born to Run” verbatim, AND reference the chapter the aforementioned quote came from….
  2. ….You refer to shoes as “foot coffins“….
  3. ….when re-meeting people whom you have previously met at other races/events, you show them your feet and they say, “Ah HA! now I remember you! “
  4. ….You pronounce “Tarahumara” correctly… (Tara-oo-mara)
  5. ….Though you may have never met him, you can hear Caballo Blanco giving you training advice during a tough run…
  6. ….You refer to “Barefoot Ted” simply as “Ted”…or el Mono…
  7. ….You pronounce “huaraches” correctly (wah-rah-chiz)….
  8. ….someone else puts “barefoot” before your first name when talking about you…
  9. ….if given a choice between meeting the current US President, The Pope, and Christopher McDougall, the choice would be obvious….
  10. ….You know who Zola Budd and Abebe Bikila are….
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