Winter Challenge - 2012

Ha! You're on, although I'm not very serious about this. Just giving ya'll a hard time. I'm doing my very best to stay within my limits and injury-free, which means keeping the mileage down a bit for another month or so, to keep the ITBS monster at bay, and avoiding moist conditions for the most part, to make sure I don't provoke another case of frostnip. Plus, I'll soon be facing your predicament of having the temps almost be too warm, above freezing at the time of day I like to run, which will force me to compete for the overall classification, where I stand no chance whatsoever. And we both know the Canadians are going to come on strong pretty soon.

Anyway, please do go see a PT.

I know, me too about the seriousness. Just trying to spark some conversation and interest. Certainly good advice about pushing it. Not worth injury to get a few numbers, been down that road and still am. I am making progress with my injury, slow and steady. It was good to see Doomed and Nick make progress by seeing someone, so I was thinking about doing the same.
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I know, me too about the seriousness. Just trying to spark some conversation and interest. Certainly good advice about pushing it. Not worth injury to get a few numbers, been down that road and still am. I am making progress with my injury, slow and steady. It was good to see Doomed and Nick make progress by seeing someone, so I was thinking about doing the same.
Do it Rick. Quit being a stubborn male like me and just go in. My mileage really had dropped because of this and it's only a matter of time for you if you don't get in.
I ran a pretty sweet 5 miles bf the other day.
It has been a while since I have gotten any mileage in actually bf....soles felt great!
Good sign.

Yesterday I ran at 40F temps and I must admit....puddles are COLD at those temps....oops
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Finally got a run in. Weather was nice and sunny and -3C with a -11C windchill. Roads were packed snow and slush, the wet slushy sections did not feel good. Some of the main roads are starting to get snow free so I am sure that this is just the beginning of the spring barefoot running. :happy:
AAAAAND I'm out. :(

MRI shows the beginnings of a stress fracture in the third metatarsil plus the beginnings of arthritis on the joint of my big toe. I'm going back to the doctor on Tuesday to discuss treatment, but I'm looking at a 4-6 week break minimum from running, and by then the challenge will be over. On the plus side, spring will be here, too! :)

For those who care, my theory about how it happened:
About 11 months ago I stubbed (read: JAMMED) my big toe on a cobblestone while out on a run. I never went to the doctor though I suspected it might be broken, but since I was able to run on it a week later, I figured it'd work itself out eventually. X-rays from last week show that it wasn't broken, but it was still pretty traumatic for the joint. A few weeks ago I started having pain in the joint after my runs (never during), especially after long runs. Eventually the pain started moving up the bone to the top of my foot. That's when I decided to get things checked out.
Anyway, I'd been trying to use this winter to develop a strong endurance base for beginning ultra training this spring. However, with my feet still not quite as winter-tough as many of yours in this group, I resorted to using minshoes quite a bit. My challenge mileage is a lot higher than last winter's, but so is my overall mileage. Last winter I ran barefoot pretty much the whole season (meaning that overall I was actually rather lazy :p), and this year my time barefoot accounts for maybe 20% of my training.
So the theory: Two and a half years into barefoot running I still managed to get bit by the TMTS goblin, and that the developing stress fracture caused me to subconsiously alter my stride, thus aggravating the already messed up big toe joint and causing the pain that ultimately sent me to the doctor to get things checked out.
But at least I caught the problem semi-early, right?
AAAAAND I'm out. :(

MRI shows the beginnings of a stress fracture in the third metatarsil plus the beginnings of arthritis on the joint of my big toe. I'm going back to the doctor on Tuesday to discuss treatment, but I'm looking at a 4-6 week break minimum from running, and by then the challenge will be over. On the plus side, spring will be here, too! :)

For those who care, my theory about how it happened:
About 11 months ago I stubbed (read: JAMMED) my big toe on a cobblestone while out on a run. I never went to the doctor though I suspected it might be broken, but since I was able to run on it a week later, I figured it'd work itself out eventually. X-rays from last week show that it wasn't broken, but it was still pretty traumatic for the joint. A few weeks ago I started having pain in the joint after my runs (never during), especially after long runs. Eventually the pain started moving up the bone to the top of my foot. That's when I decided to get things checked out.
Anyway, I'd been trying to use this winter to develop a strong endurance base for beginning ultra training this spring. However, with my feet still not quite as winter-tough as many of yours in this group, I resorted to using minshoes quite a bit. My challenge mileage is a lot higher than last winter's, but so is my overall mileage. Last winter I ran barefoot pretty much the whole season (meaning that overall I was actually rather lazy :p), and this year my time barefoot accounts for maybe 20% of my training.
So the theory: Two and a half years into barefoot running I still managed to get bit by the TMTS goblin, and that the developing stress fracture caused me to subconsiously alter my stride, thus aggravating the already messed up big toe joint and causing the pain that ultimately sent me to the doctor to get things checked out.
But at least I caught the problem semi-early, right?
Bummer Chelsea, hope you get things sorted out soon. Nothing worse than not running (OK, a few things are worse than not running--like global crises and the death of a loved one, but I traffic in hyperbole).
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AAAAAND I'm out. :(

Sorry Chelsea, speedy recovery.

I finally got a few barefoot miles in this week, felt good to loose the shoes. Shooting for 250km this year only got 3 more to go, will he do it........
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Don't forget to share your final report and pictures with me for the home page. Yes, I am always fishing.
Just had a great run today.....sunny, dry, and cold....I think by next winter I should actually be able to get some decent mileage in BF :)

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