What is this ? A special blister ?


Apr 27, 2011
Berlin, Germany
I've got this spot below my left feet which is there since ages. Every time I do a longer barefoot run it starts to hurt and get red and gets very sensitive. The skin there is kind of different, a little smoother and definetly hurts. It does not change, it just stops to hurt and starts again on the longer side.

Is this a blister? Any idea to get rid of it ?

Any help is appreciated, todays 16km really hurt on the end and especially afterwords it still hurts (besides my achilles on the other foot)

I had this exact blood

I had this exact blood blister in this exact spot. It was under a large callus. One night (The night before a 5k actually) it just opened up. All the blood trapped inside came out and it was wide open. I ran the race anyway and eventually i had to trim all of the dead skin off. Even as I type this I realize how digusting it is but what can you do.

When I had it, I wore vffs a lot to help with the pain, but once it burst, it healed quickly and the callus grew back. Now I am fine. I would leave it alone and let it naturally heal itself but yeah, no fun.

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