What beer are you drinking tonight? For the new forum...


I once managed to get a port style wine up to around 17-18% just by fermentation alone. That stuff went like hot cakes
I am trying to convince myself that hard cider is good for me because it's fermented and supposedly fermented food is supposed to be good for you.
I prettymuch only drink fermented stuff. I've never been a big fan of the distilled ones, although once in a while it's a nice changeofpace.

I don't think my guts like it, however. Which then leads me to believe it's not really good for me. Or maybe it's the fact that I drink too much of it at once. Lol.
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Well, alcohol is a toxin after all. The difference between poison and medicine lies in the dosage.o_O (I like the two-toned effect in your new avatar by the way)

Lol. Everyone thins that's my hair. It's a feather hat like the kind they wore in the 40's.
Ya, it was the first time she had tried to make wine so...... This last batch was better but I still don't know that I would be a regular drinker of it.

my question was, What is Everclear? Sounds like a garden weedkiller
I am trying to convince myself that hard cider is good for me because it's fermented and supposedly fermented food is supposed to be good for you.

I'm trying to do a deal with a local apple farmer to give me 5 gals of her fresh juice at the next harvest time so I can make some cider
It's a super hard alcohol. It's the most god awful stuff. It comes in two strengths, 151 proof and 190 proof. Yuck! Just taking a sniff of it burns out your nose hairs. Wait, maybe I need to get a bottle to sniff...:p

I know the kind of stuff, I've smelt, and even tasted the Polish version of it.

Only once.
Ya, let me tell you, wine fortified with that stuff is not the greatest. She didn't think it was that bad, but she's young and I think a bit like my father in law (lover of all alcohol). I on the other hand had to give away my glass as I could get drunk just from the smell of it. Besides I like to be able to breath after each sip and I'm not afraid of being called a pansy. :D
Oh ya Lee, my Army brothers always called me that when it came to drinking. I cannot handle hard alcohol well at all. My wife has banned me from drinking it actually (ptsd related on that one)... My Army brothers used to buy me shot after shot after shot though because you just never knew what funny sh*t I was going to do next when drunk. Like one morning I woke up in a ditch missing a shoe 10 miles from home. Tried to call a cab but I was so drunk still the cab dispatcher couldn't understand where I was. I kicked off the one shoe I still had (just left it there in the ditch) and hoofed it back to my home in Mililani, HI barefoot. To this day 8-9 years later, I'm still not sure exactly how I ended up in the ditch or where my one shoe went. :D Another time I knew I was in trouble (buddies buying me too many shots too fast) so I started pretending I was taking the shots only dumping over my shoulder instead of in my mouth. Too bad a young woman had stepped behind me without my knowledge one of the times. Hahaha! I was so embarrassed!
Without going into details, I can relate. I stay away from shots at all costs. I deliberately chose to work among Muslims in my fieldwork so I wouldn't have to deal with that macho drinking sh*t (although sugary tea can make you dizzy too). I don't see the pleasure in losing coordination and having numb lips, but to each his own I guess. Would be nice to hear more of your experiences over a couple of damn cold beers though (I've got three Mooseheads in the freezer). It's over 90 here today with high humidity.

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