Week 30 Mileage Reporting ( July 24 - July 30 )


May 3, 2014
Erie, Pa
4.1 miles Monday morning at Presque Isle on a beautiful quiet summer morning. Temps were in the upper 60's with moderate humidity.I saw several large robins digging furiously in some dead leaves for worms and a couple of bright red male cardinals. There were a few walkers and bike riders, but I saw no other runners.
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Boulder and I did a 3 mile run Tuesday at 4:30. It was 81 deg. f. with light wind. The sky was clear.
We heard one owl, lots of tree frogs. We spotted 3 skunks all together one looked very young.
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4.1 miles at Presque Isle Thursday morning on a cloudy, breezy day with temps in the 70's and manageable humidity. I did not see much wildlife, but there were quite a few walkers and bikers out taking advantage of the cooler temperature today. I felt good today and was glad I got out.
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We did a 3 mile run Thursday.
We did another 3mile run Sunday at 5:00 am. We got out a little early for a Sunday to try and spot some Meteors (shooting stars) (I saw 2) .We did cross paths with one skunk. At the end we caught the pre sunrise sky.

Super great outing!!
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