Week 18 of 2012

Gues I'll start out this weeks mileage. Today I ran 2.25 and walked a little over a mile, all barefoot! Walking really seems to be helping build up my sole durability like crazy!
1.05 miles barefoot today. I seem to be responding well to lower mileage but faster paces and running everyday along with the eccentric heel or calf raises, whatever it's called. Hope it keeps getting better.
Monday - 2 miles in my new Huaraches....I like 'em
Wednesday - 2 miles barefoot + 1 mile walk.

I'm going to go ahead and blame my lower mileage on my shod running partner's chronic sore calf. Both him and another co-worker are mildly interested in trying the huaraches. I know neither one will take the plunge though.
1.63 miles barefoot with a mile barefoot walk afterwards. Had weird twinge of pain just behind shin bone on right leg so called it quits and walked home. Same feeling I get after rolling that leg in that spot. Hope I'm not developing another injury. That's all I need. Ugh o_O

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