VFFs and my unique right foot - say it ain't so!


Mar 23, 2011
Hi everyone, I'm new to barefoot running, and thus this forum as well. Been lurking a while and am thrilled at the character, depth of knowledge and family feel. I'll introduce myself further in the appropriate forum, but I needed to get some advice from you VFF wearers about what I think is going to be a problem for me.

My deformed right foot. Or, to be less critical of my beloved feet, "uniquely abled" right foot.

I bought a pair of KSOs, which I wore for an eighth of a mile test run because at the time I was freshly injured from shod running, had just stumbled upon BFR in general, and knew I had to have those weird shoes, if for no other reason than to piss my wife off.

I didn't wear them running but that once, and they sat unused because since then, because I've been running barefoot as prescribed by all of you. I'm not even really wanting to run in VFFs, but know I probably should have this skill. Maybe.

Anyway, I've been forcing myself to wear them here and there inside the house and the left foot feels great, but my right foot feels all kinds of wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it... the girl who sized me at Fit2Run was pretty knowledgable and I didn't really spent all THAT much time in them before spending the money and taking them home, so what gives? Have my feet changed that much in the three weeks I've been barefoot running, and barefoot around the house as much as possible? Could my feet have widened that quickly?

Nope, my right foot is different than my left. Check it out.


That red arrow is fake, btw.


I've a considerable gap between my second and third toes, which was causing the discomfort in the right VFF. I don't know if it was always like this because before barefoot running, I'd never paid any attention to my feet besides washing them and clipping my toenails. Fit-wise, my big toe felt jammed up towards the right of the big-toe cup when I was wearing them, and after a few experiences realized that these were never going to work for running. I figured if they were this uncomfortable after twenty minutes walking, what would happen if I tried running in them.

So my question is this... when I return these and try on other models of Vibrams, am I likely to find that the various fits in different models might just accommodate this weirdness in my anatomy? Or am I screwed out of running in Vibrams altogether, you think?


Chris (GEE'-kus) Gkikas

PS -- part of me doesn't care, because running barefoot is pretty awesome, but I still feel a compulsion to have a pair of VFFs available to me for hairier terrain.
I have those same split toes

I have those same split toes but on BOTH feet. Could be one reason why I am so messed up. I'll never know.

There's no way to really tell if another type of VFF will work for you. I'd hate for you to waste the money finding out.

Have you thought about huaraches? They have some for more serious terrain.
Not really thought about

Not really thought about huaraches yet, no.

By hairier terrain, I mean possibly-sandy, debris-strewn and sometimes-rough chipseal on my residential neighborhood streets where I run. I opened up a nice friction sore on the outside of my right third toe last time I tackled the street but chalk that up to getting sloppy with my form. My longest run so far is a humble 1.5 miles.

I'm only two weeks into this so far so I'm still learning how my foot strikes the ground, my technique, etc. I'm sticking to the smoother sidewalk around my block for now, working on my form and trying to train my feet and avoid TMTS injury. Eventually though, I'll want to start running all over town. If I have proper form, avoid shrapnel, take enough time and build up to it, would I not need VFFs to do that?
You have short big toes, if

You have short big toes, if your second toe is touching the end of toe pocket rubber on the VFF's you may have problems. You want some space in there, if its not too late take back the Vff's and make sure you have at least 1/8th - 1/4 inch space on your two biggest toes. I have this trouble too but your second toes are worse than mine , after 10 miles I have to stop or go barefoot as my Vff's kill my second toes from then on. Size bye your longest toe on Vff's....it may not matter now but when cold weather hits in fall it will matter. I'm not sure if the space between your toes matters at all...you should get used to that.
Where do you live?  You may

Where do you live? You may be able to be a barefoot runner year round, or at least most of it. Shoes should only be worn when needed, by those who have no problems wearing shoes (although, they'll miss out on the fun factor), and by those who can't go barefoot due to medical/safety/health reasons.
I'm in Sarasota, Florida,

I'm in Sarasota, Florida, which is pretty warm most of the year. We get some chilly spells but nothing too serious.

I'm going to take them back and try on some other types/sizes. Hopefully I'll find something I like, and if not, then I'll just happily stay barefoot and work on building my form/tolerance/endurance. Or maybe try huaraches...

I appreciate all the feedback. :)
I am loving those Morty Toes.

I am loving those Morty Toes. You have to join the Fellowship!
@mokaman -- oh you aren't

@mokaman -- oh you aren't kidding... that would be delightful. sadly, we live clear across town from there... great to know we're close to it, though

@Nyal -- oh, for sure. I'm mulling over my Viking name now. I'll be over there shortly. :)

I'm heading into Fit2Run this afternoon to plead my case and hope to find a pair of VFFs that fit me properly... or my money back. News at 11.
Something you might want to

Something you might want to try is modifying the toes on your VFFs to accomodate the Morton's toe and the gap you have. It might fix your problem, it might not. There is a Morton's toe mod how-to on the BirthdayShoes.com blog (run a search). I've never done it, but I believe it involves stretching out the toes on the VFFs that need to be longer to accomodate for issues such as what you're experiencing. If nothing else, perhaps ask your questions over there on their forums as well to see if you get other ideas.

Best of luck! :)
I love my merrell pure gloves

I love my merrell pure gloves for when its too cold/wet (I can handle colder ground if its dry than I can wet). I have a MUCH longer second toe than great toe and will never be able to wear a VFF shoe.. the merrell trail/pace gloves and pure gloves are another option if you want something more enclosed than the huaraches for cold weather.
First, welcome! Second, I

First, welcome! :bigsmile:

Second, I have similar problems with my VFFs in that one foot just doesn't fit the same as the other and it is super uncomfortable. My toes feel like they are just jammed in there (chubby toes maybe) and i may have wanted one size up (length is pretty snug, but i was told at the store they were supposed to be snug). Eventually I got to the point where I pretty much gave up and started looking at other minimalist shoes for snow/rough terrain. I wound up with some merrell trail gloves that I like a lot, and haven't had problems since.

I would recommend exploring either hacking the VFFs (I have been considering this myself) or checking out the newfound multitude of non-toe-shoes that have been coming out this year.

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