Unsettling visit with a podiatrist today.

Barefoot Gentile

Apr 5, 2010
Fairfield, CT
So the reason I went is I am having this pain in my left foot. This injury happened while I was compensating for my right injured leg that is suffering from ITBS. So during last weeks 8 mile run, my IT band started really acting up, therefore I was favoring that leg and putting excesse pressure on my left foot which resulted in deep bruising of the tissue. I don't have a stress fracture and nothing bone related. So now I am not running but riding my bike in order to not lose fitness. I have a marathon in 27 days, I don't even know if I can make it I am so beat up right.

So the podiatrist asked what shoe I am running in and told him VFF's. He gave me a look of dissappointment and told me he does not support or believe in the logic of the VFF's and or in barefoot running. He said put your running shoes on and you won't feel the pain. I do believe that because when I am at work, my shoes help decrease the pain in my foot. I have actually been thinking to put my shoes on just to continue my training, unless my ITBS doesn't act up.

I have been running barefoot/VFF for seven months now, I have suffered two injuries within these seven months. When I was running shod for 20 years I had zero injuries. But I will say since I started my transition I have been running more and longer distances, so I am not blaming this on being barefoot or VFF's. I take this injury as another learning lesson.

I don't want to give up on barefoot running or running in VFF's I truly enjoy it. And I do believe in the benefits of barefoot running.

Has anyone else went through a period of time in their transition where nagging little injuries happened, then all of a sudden things just smoothed. I have only been at this 7 months like I said, for some that might be long but I believe I am still at the condition phase. I personally think a full year will really mold me into a stronger barefoot runner.

Sorry for the long winded post, I have been a bit depressed about my ITBS a month before the marathon. As soon as I hit 39 years old, the wheels starting to fall off:)
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      I think one of the

I think one of the downsides of barefoot running is it makes us think we are bullet proof so we go out and push too hard, then wonder why we are hurt. Like you said, you were favoring your leg, this is always bad. If you have to favor something, it is time to go home. I speak from experience here, I hurt my calf in October and have been favoring it, which resulted in shin issues as I pushed my mileage for a full marathon.

Anyone that has achieved much of anything in the running arena is good at pushing and lot of us (myself as a dimming example) push until our body throws us down in disgust. I could never have finished a marathon in shoes, I couldn't hardly make it past 8 miles, so with the new freedom of barefoot, I pushed to 26, DUH! I eventually conquered the injuries, but I learned bare feet are no guarantee you can run as far as you want, as soon as you want, or as fast as you want.

I also understand your frustration. I haven't run in a week thanks to other medical issues and it is making me nuts! (I'm hoping a hip full of steroids will have me back on the road in the next couple of days, my wheels fell off at 31.) Sure, putting your shoes on at work helps, because you aren't running at work and aren't favoring the ITB. Podiatrists are a long way from backing barefoot and since the only people that show up in their office are the ones that are hurt, they don't see the others that run successfully. You have worn supportive footwear all your life, it is going to take more than 7 months to build them up.

What has your longest long run been? Have you hit 20 miles yet? I did my 20 miler 4 weeks ahead of my marathon and still pulled it off. I took a long taper to make sure everything was healed and on marathon day, many many things hurt, but not either of the injuries :)
Adam, when did you develop

Adam, when did you develop ITBS? Was it before or after picking up BFR?

Have you tried to run with shoes on, whatever shoes you had planned to run your marathon in? If so, how did the ITBS treat you then?
 My injury troubles finally

My injury troubles finally were over during transitioning when I gave up trying to switch between barefoot and thin shoes and just ran barefoot only for almost a whole summer... I have felt almost bulletproof since.

Then I was ok to add back in the flat shoes some here and there, now flat shoes are only for some trail running, my barefoot/shoe ratio is about 70/30 this seems what I can get by with on the shoe part and basically run as much I want.

My wheels fell off way back in my early 30's but now they are back on in my late 40's, hang in there you can still get your wheels back for sure!
Wendy: I read your blog about

Wendy: I read your blog about your marathon, great job!! I ran a 20 miler two weeks ago, at mile 18 is when I felt something, that was my IT band, but finished my run. My second 20 miler is scheduled for this weekend. I ran on tuesday for 5 miles, but I think I will ride my bike for 20 miles tomorrow, rest friday, and attempt my second 20 on saturday.

Then my 3 week taper starts. I have been stretching my band, and doing the foam roller alot. See what happens. Thank you for the response. Being runners it's extremely frustrating getting injured.

TJ: it was after I took up BFR, but I never ran long distance that I am running now in shoes. So I think either way if it was going to happen it would. I have been training in VFF's and will run the marathon in VFF's. I have not ran in "running shoes" in 7 months. I run either barefoot or in VFF's. I have not had a problem training in my VFF's. I ran my first 20 miler in VFF's without any foot problems, it was darn IT band that got me. I think I am just a bit frustrated right now, but will get over it.

Mokamon: I hear ya, I know the wheels will come back. The weather is getting really nice now so my plan is to run barefoot all summer, once I get through the marathon.
Bummer Adam! I agree with

Bummer Adam! I agree with what Wendy posted, with her pushing too hard too fast because it feels so good to be barefoot. I think that your ITBS is likely from your increased mileage, how long have you been training for this marathon? I haven't done the distance many of you have, but have had some issues here and there with stiff ITB (not since barefoot running though, was back when I was wearing traditional trainers). How's your speed during your long runs, would slowing down help you keep a good balance between use of both legs/feet?
Was there a period, Adam,

Was there a period, Adam, where you allowed yourself to completely heal before picking up running again? That is the key. I wish you well, Adam.
I know that kind of

I know that kind of frustration, Adam... I, too, wish you well...

We are all life-long learners, eh?!?!

I read somewhere, "it's better to be 10% untrained than 1% over-trained."

After showing up to many starting lines over-trained, I NOW really believe in this advise... I hope and pray you recover well..................
Thanks Adam!   I just read

Thanks Adam!

I just read this message on BFKenBob's forum: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/RunningBarefoot/message/32445

It is about form and ITB issues. I think you probably have a combination of a form issue and muscles that just aren't quite ready for the distances you are pushing, BUT you have some time to tweak your form and do a little strength training to be ready, plus get a little rest in. (If the link doesn't work for you, let me know.) I know when I was hitting the end of my training my form would fall apart with fatigue and I'd start getting sore in all kinds of annoying places. The pictures taken by the photographers at the end are atrocious because my form had totally fallen apart and I was back to looking knock kneed, on the sides of my feet, hunched over, and hobbling, LOL.

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