

Oct 25, 2015
Hello all, Im toe. I have a 6E width foot so barefoot is the only option Ive come up with and it seems pretty alright. I am planning on doing a 50K next year some time and am looking for any people in MLPS area that maybe interested in working together training. Also Im sure anyone knows 1,000% more than me in this great running style, so I would probably be taking more benefit than giving, but I will offer what I can.

Background...I did one marathon 26 years ago in shoes that didnt fit, of course, and Ive decided life is too short to wait to die sitting on the couch. Oh yeah and Im 46 yoa.

I see that there is supposed to be a MN barefoot society but can seem to find it. Anybody know of it?


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Welcome, Mr. TTT. I pity the fool that has to run in MN in wintertime! There should be a MN group under the "Chapters" section of our forum, but I'll bet Barefoot TJ (our most righteously awesome moderator) will have better directions for you. I'm 47 myself, so welcome to the crew, and no charge for the A-Team reference. I run both barefoot (BF) and with Vibram Five Fingers (VFFs) depending on the weather, running surface and distance. There are several protective options that may work for you even with extraordinarily wide feet, like huaraches or Zero Shoes. There are also plenty of folks here who have more experience in that arena, and they'll be glad to share their experience with you. Glad to have you with us.
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Please feel free to join the Minnesota Chapter via the Chapters link above. Welcome to the BRS! :barefoot:
Looks like you and I, Paul, posted at the same exact time. Ha!
Thanks phil. It appears that the mn chapter's website is defuct. They may have a facebook page, but Im not going to get in to that thing. Speaking of protection, Ive ordered some Earthwalkers....seem pretty cool...Ill report back when I get them. BTW hurt the top of my left foot lastnight, ouch! in bewteen the bones on the top. Any suggestions other than rest?

Thanks again.
Mr. TTT:

TOFP (top of foot pain) is common when beginning BF running. It has many and various causes, but the most likely one as a relatively new BF runner is related to the changes you're making. There are three fundamental change areas I've observed that BF running makes in your feet and lower legs: Achilles tendon, sole thickness/sensitivity, and foot muscles/connecting tissues. The Achilles tendon gets shortened over years of us wearing shoes with a higher heel than forefoot area, which is nearly every shoe made. It takes time when you drop your heel down an inch further for the Achilles to stretch back out to its designed length. The obvious one is the sole issue, which you've apparently already begun to conquer quite nicely. The most insidious change is the muscular and connecting tissue atrophy that occurs when we have cradled and swaddled our feet in shoes for years; they don't have to move nearly at all, so all the fine motor control muscles, tendons, and ligaments in our feet grow limp and weak. BF running requires that they take an active part in our propulsion, a process with which they have generally become unfamiliar.
My solution to all 3 problems was to run only BF, only 3 days a week with at least one rest/recovery day in between two every running days, for about 3 months, starting with about a half-mile a day and building distance slowly and gradually over the 3 months. My failure to follow this process resulted in a stress-fractured 3rd metatarsal head in the left foot (due to weakened muscle/ligament in the foot being unable to support BF running too far too soon).
I hope some of this is helpful for you.

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