This was in my Google Alerts

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
I'll give it a

I'll give it a pick. How did that even get through your security settings TJ? I am afraid to open the Shagslist, my kids are in the room.

Where does the term hardcore come from? It is probably the #1 comment I hear.

Serious hippy/indian/african barefoot mileage. What has he been reading?

Never heard of a 365 yearly mileage goal. Setting the bar high, isn't he? He better get off his computer (7,222 posts) and start running.

OK, in the guy's defense, I too started off too fast in five fingers and had very sore calves. Thankfully I found BRS, other websites, and read a few books. I slowed down, went barefoot, and had a successful transition.

Hopefully, Clevernickname will get some good advice.
Well, I'm glad you posted

Well, I'm glad you posted this, TJ. I feel like I've been educated on a topic I was unsure of until now. Everything I ever wanted know about BFR summed up in this one post:

"I've heard very bad things about barefoot running and long term knee damage from some biomechanics people I know. If it's for small distances, it's probably fine and barefoot running fits how humans evolved. Very long distance barefoot running is dangerous according to people I've talked to and it does not fit the natural pattern of how humans would have run while evolving. Humans likely evolved as a mix of barefoot long distance walkers and short distance sprinters. The arguments about strengthening other muscles probably have merit when applied to shorter distances."

LOL@ 'biomechanics people I know' :roflmao:
I tried to register to answer

I tried to register to answer the guy on his own site, but got caught in their spam filter. (The "simple" spam catcher question they ask is "who's the head football coach at UT?" My answer "I don't know, sorry." failed. Clearly I'm a spambot.

Aside from that, he gets points for trying, doesn't he? As misguided and lacking in investigational curiosity as he appears to be, he still wants to give it a try.
 TJ -I got in, and I hope

TJ -

I got in, and I hope left a respectable reply. (Joseph - the UT coach's name is Mack Brown :) ) Even included a link to the BRS so he can ask his questions over here.

OK.  I was too hard on the

OK. I was too hard on the guy. Sorry, I wish I could take back my comment about the mileage goal. Any miles are better then none, but I am concerned about the "binge" running. Lots of miles and then big breaks because of injury and sickness. This will only get worse if he tries running barefoot or minimal this way.

Hopefully you were able to give him good advice Jim.

@BFwillie - What did they consider as long distance or short distance. Did they say anything about different running surfaces? I have found much less knee pain no matter what the distance or surface.
Binge Running.  That's a good

Binge Running. That's a good term and a good definition. We should adopt that language around here and add it to the Library.

binge run·ning [binj ruhn-ing]


1. the act of a person, animal, or thing that runs lots of miles and then takes big breaks due to injury or illness.


I binge ran until I could not binge run anymore.
rickwhitelaw wrote:mad:BFwillie

rickwhitelaw said:
@BFwillie - What did they consider as long distance or short distance. Did they say anything about different running surfaces? I have found much less knee pain no matter what the distance or surface.

Danged if I know. That was kind of my point. The guy's reply was just a lot of typical, naive, misinformed blah blah blah, floating in a little bubble of self-importance.

Hey, binge runner, now I know what I was for for twenty years before getting away from the Frankenstein boots! Thanks :)

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