The Instant Barefoot Running Clinic


Chapter Presidents
Feb 17, 2011
Woo-hoo! Went for a run though downtown Austin late yesterday afternoon, and wound up back at Clark Field - a recently renovated artificial turf field and track on the University of Texas campus. It was gloomy, the streets were wet, temps in the 60s, and since it was the last day of final exams for the fall, I figured there would be no one at the field and I'd be alone on the track.

Far from it. There was a group of students getting ready to play ultimate on the turf, one with a soccer ball, and others already on the track. When I arrived, a few took interest in my mode of transport and began to ask questions. As I started in on the usual explanations, the ultimate group wandered over to listen. What to do? Instant barefoot running clinic! There were 10 of us - two girls and eight guys - and all quickly discovered that running was more fun and easier without the big, clunky running shoes.

After a few laps around the track and some final questions, the group went back to their ultimate, but left the shoes on the sidelines.

It's so gratifying when

It's so gratifying when things like that happened, isn't it?
I've never been an Ultimate

I've never been an Ultimate player, but knew tons of people in college who were fanatics. I think it's the official sport of RUF - Reformed University Fellowship, the college campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church of America.

But I did know this one girl who barefooted it all through college, attended RUF, and also played Ultimate regularly. She may have worn shoes while playing, though. Not sure. I'm sure I would have been more keen to play if I had given barefooting a try back then.

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