The Changing of the Guard: A Sociological Analysis of the Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Movement By

I agree, Jason. I wonder if they would publish it. Hey, you may even get an offer to write for them on occasion!
Very good artile, though the time-line is perhaps a little optomistic. Barefoot running is not allowed in highschool, which covers a considerable portion of runners, and the idea of minimal running tends to come from barefoot influence, which is being rather choked out. Though I'm sure the rules will change with time, a year is a bit too soon to see half the running world catching on. Perhaps 5 years? Only time will tell. I don't think BFR/MR will just be a fad though, too many people have already become dedicated to it for that, and we have proof like the Tarahumara, etc. to keep us from giving up on it.
If Nike has taken notice of bfr and modified their product as well, that is a huge indication to me bfr is not just a passing fad. Only time will tell.

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