The Barefoot Marathon...Suggestions? Tips? Comments?


Jun 5, 2010
Hello friends.

So I'm attempting to run the Marine Corps Marathon on Oct 31st. I say attempting because let's be honest, anything can happen at a marathon. I've ran this race last year (shod) and I have recently driven a major part of the course to see the BF friendliness of it. It appears to be quite good actually.

I believe I'm ready physically and mentally. Just finished a 20 mile run on Tues that felt very good. Legs feel strong, feet are quite conditioned. Body and mind are ready. Since BF running has a bit of a different approach, I was wondering if any seasoned BF Marathoners had any tips or suggestions for race day and before.

I know everyone is different, but I wondered if there were any things I could pick up in these last 2 weeks. Here are some sample questions I have.

What days do I run, and how far leading up to the marathon to make sure that my "feet" are at maximum strength? I am not as worried about my muscles and cardio as they are now in tapering mode, but the bottom of feet are a different story.

What would I carry in case of blister or issue on bottom of foot? Socks? New Skin? VFF's?

Should I wear throw away socks etc up until race start to keep feet warm or just warm up in the cold (if it is a cold morning in DC)

I can't think of any others at the moment, but any other tip specific to BF would appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!
Super glue is great if you

Super glue is great if you get a cut on your foot. It stings a little but not as much as running with an open wound does. Also, I'd carry a needle to pop any blisters you get, it's the pressure that hurts in my experience. Other than that, good luck. I haven't covered more than a half marathon in one go so I don't have anything more to offer, at least not marathon specific.
Hey one thought I had, if

Hey one thought I had, if there are any really rough patches you can always jump up on the sidewalk or grass if there is any.

I wore snoopy slippers to the start line once, now I think it might be better to let your feet get warmed/cooled to the ground temp before the race starts. It usually takes me a mile or so before my feet lose that initial sensitivity in a run so hopefully this would speed that up.

Don't know about the taper with your feet, I have never run a full marathon barefoot. But I would think 2-3 days without running long or hard would be plenty for them to get back to normal.
Maybe do some gravel work if

Maybe do some gravel work if your worried about skin conditioning? I don't really think your skin conditioning would fall that much if your still doing some running, but since you're going farther than you have before barefoot (or at least is sounds that way from your post) a little etra conditioning wouldn't hurt.

I'm pretty sure it would be best to just warm up your whole body and get your blood pumping to keep your feet warm. If you wore socks to keep warm you'd probably just be cold right after you took them off, plus it takes a little while for your body to figure out that part of it is cold, so it'd be best to just let them know what they're going to be dealing with ahead of time. (I tend to think of my feet as seperate cognitive entities. I swear my feet now think for themselves, and they also get confused sometimes.)

And in case of blisters make sure you're carrying your brain so you can adjust your form, haha. Things do still happen sometimes though, especially on longer runs, so I'd agree with BB that a needle is probably a good idea.

Good luck with your marathon!
Super glue and carrying a

Super glue and carrying a needle, worse advice ever.

Bruno, I only ran one marathon (in Vibram KSO's), my next marathon will definitely be barefoot. You sound more than ready for your first barefoot marathon! You got your 20 miler in barefoot, and it went great. I wouldn't worry about blisters right now, that is secondary, if it happens it happens.

If it is really cold I would wear socks while you wait for the start time, and just take them off right before the gun goes off.

I understand the taper madness, your mind just thinks away at the little things. There is no way you will lose any conditioning on your feet from your taper.

Good luck!
Go get em Bruno, no advice

Go get em Bruno, no advice that hasn't been offered...well keep your core warm to keep those feet warm. You've got the mileage in so you're ready, just enjoy what's to come and take it easy until race day! If you feel like you'll need something on your feet (do you know what the terrain is like? what was the terrain of your last long run?) could you have someone there midway with your vffs just in case? I think you'll be fine without them, though there's nothing wrong with covering your bases.
VFF's available mid-course

VFF's available mid-course sound like a beautiful bit of insurance, though, as I remember from 1987 (my last shod run of any length) that course is really hard for support folk to navigate. A bike would be the ticket to put them at the turnaround by the Capitol or thereabouts. Otherwise they could Metro it, no?

Good luck and have a wonderful time!
Sounds like you are ready to

Sounds like you are ready to tackle the marathon BF.

One word of caution thou. Should you decide to wear socks due to cold weather, be mindful of the water stops because if the bottom of your socks get wet you are going to blister. That's what happened to me last year when I ran the Des Moines marathon in socks. Good luck.
I know you will!  Good luck!

I know you will! Good luck!
BrunoRuns wrote:Thanks

BrunoRuns said:
Thanks everyone!

I'll try to make BRS proud!

pft, try? we know you will Bruno! afterall, you already have..everything else is bonus brownie points ;)
Good luck Bruno!  My barefoot

Good luck Bruno! My barefoot advice is to get out for the course tour if the marathon offers one. When I planned to do the Grandma's Marathon in June I didn't take the course tour, and was surprised by the six miles of ultra rough chipseal that came right at the start of the marathon. Luckily I brought VFFs or I would have been in for a very bad experience. If it does nothing else, it will put your mind at ease about your ability to run the course barefoot.

I don't carry anything except my water and my huaraches for races. You can get all the medical help you need in a marathon at the medical tent. They will do any blister repair a lot better than you will. And I only carry huaraches in case my feet start affecting my performance. Shoes are tools!

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