Sore arches after long runs, normal?


Apr 3, 2010
I do notice my arches are sore/achy after I try to run too fast (faster than a snails pace, sigh). Would this be another 'norm when transitioning to higher mileage' or is it a sign of tmts? Sign of improper form? I haven't changed anything about my form, still remain loose footed/legged (though I suppose my feet still naturally tense when running on the dern chipseal). Thoughts? Experiences? TIA :)
If you are not in pain the

If you are not in pain the next day or two after experiencing a long run (or short run) with tight/sore arches, then it's probably just the foot muscles developing from use (or in your case, a new form of use, since you are a dancer). I've gone through this quite a bit, especially in the spring when I come back from near hybernation, and I can really focus on increasing distance. Just like any other muscle in the body, your foot muscles in the arch (and elsewhere) feel it after a good workout.
Thank you TJ, my arches are

Thank you TJ, my arches are still pretty sore today to walk on (it's about 14hrs post run). Maybe a good foot massage is in order. I'd figured they would react like any other muscle and get sore when being challenged, just don't want to risk injury by being too ambitious.
Yes, a tennis ball, baseball,

Yes, a tennis ball, baseball, or frozen bottle of water will help with relief. I guess you need to decide if what you are feeling is pain or soreness. As you know, soreness is good, pain is not.
 I have had some soreness in

I have had some soreness in the arches once in awhile after long trail 15 - 20 milers but the good kind of soreness not the injury kind. The massaging advice above is excellent even when they are not sore as a good preventive thing to do...make sure to massage all your lower leg areas not just the sole of your foot.
    Ya know Zumba you have

Ya know Zumba you have made incredible progress. One day you were concerned with pain on a three miler, a month later your doing 10 miles sporting a stroller and child. I expect the discomfort you are feeling is your Body catching up.

Ya know there is nothing wrong with taking a LOW MILAGE, NAP ON THE WEEKEND, EAT DESSERT FOR A CHANGE WEEK!!

Gotta reward yourself
I agree, Zum.  You are doing

I agree, Zum. You are doing some heavy duty barefootin. Didn't you recently do 13 miles? I've been runing over 20 years in shoes and never did 13 miles. I'd hate to see you come down with a TMTS injury. Might be time to cut back on the mileage and work some minimal shoe time in to get your feet used to them for next winter.
I agree, Zum.  You are doing

I agree, Zum. You are doing some heavy duty barefootin. Didn't you recently do 13 miles? I've been runing over 20 years in shoes and never did 13 miles. I'd hate to see you come down with a TMTS injury. Might be time to cut back on the mileage and work some minimal shoe time in to get your feet used to them for next winter.
 i'd say you're fine.  i did

i'd say you're fine. i did a half this weekend and it was the furthest i'd gone bare or minimal ever and by about double. up to the half i had only run about 7 miles bare or minimal and my arches are sore. i do however have a very strong base and knew i'd hold up to it as i've trained my feet and done barefoot drills and speed work for the past 13 years. i'm only just now taking it to the long distance world but i gotta say i love it.

you're doing great but just pay attention to it. like TJ said, if it's sore, rest and treatment. if it's pain, rest and treatment till it's healed. was that the same option?
just give it some rest and you'll be good to go.
Thanks for the input, by

Thanks for the input, by yesterday afternoon my feet were back to norm. I did massage them over top of a can of green beans, I'll try a bottle of frozen water next time..that sounds like good stuff.

I'm training for a half marathon so the distance I've been piling on has been training for that (which is in 3 weeks), going to start tapering now and will refrain from adding more mileage for a a year. LOL

Wiener, naps and taking it easy are overrated...miss out on too much life when you're sleeping it away:p Plus I've got 3 little kids, there's no such thing as rest in my world right now.

Miqie, shoes? Why so? I plan to do barefoot for the summer and start adding shoes to the mix once it gets colder in the fall. I've learned that I'm a big wimp to weather under 50 degrees, 40s maybe, 30s no way. Though nothings impossible, I just play it all by ear.

Jimmy, I didn't realize that this was your first half. Wow, that's a big jump having gone from 7mi to half. How are your feet feeling today?
 i felt good.  i've said

i felt good. i've said before that my feet are strong from years of training them. it's just this year that i decided to be a barefoot long distance runner. my arches were really tight two days after and i've been giving them plenty of recovery time but other than that i have not had any unexpected muscle soreness. during the race i felt great and could have pushed much harder had i wanted to. i've spent years recovering from some serious knee injuries and i've only got two half marathons to my record because of that. one was shod and now one in vffs. the vff one was much better, smoother, faster, and overall easier and i was nowhere near trained for it.
Glad to hear you have had

Glad to hear you have had success running after such a long surgery recovery and that the latest half felt better than the former with shoes.