small puncture, and it hurts to step on


Oct 27, 2010
Four days ago I was walking down my gravel road, barefoot. I felt a jab on the outside edge of the ball of my foot. I didn't think much of it, as there are lots of sharp rocks. But after ten steps or so I realized this hurt more than normal, so I stopped to look. There was some blood and a small wound. I continued the walk, and a mile later got home to check on it. There was a small slit - about 3/32 inch. I cleaned it, which didn't amount to much because there was not much of an opening to clean. I felt around and was fairly well convinced there was nothing in there, and then put a bandaid on it.

I didn't run the next day, but the day after that I did about 5 miles barefoot. It hurt at first, but then slid into the background and I felt fine by the end of the run. But later that day it hurt a lot. I again got worrined there might be something in there, and squeezed it some with no result. I lay around for s few hours and the pain went away, but it is very sensitive to walk on.

I didn't run the next day, and don't plan to today. This hurts way more than I would expect (when I step on it - it doen't hurt when at rest). I am wondering, if a nail or something slid in a ways and came back out, could it do enough damage to hurt this much, for this long?

I am pretty sure there is no infection. It isn't at all red, and not at all hot. The only thing visible is a tiny spot where the wound was.
You might have a deep bruise

You might have a deep bruise to go with the puncture. I bruised the bottoms of both my feet in a 5 mile trail run on Labor Day, but there wasn't much discoloration. One week later, a lot of the soreness has gone away, but still have tender spots.

And if something did go up in your foot, even if it pulled back out, I would think that area would be tender until all the tissue healed back.

Just a thought...
If it is not red or warm

If it is not red or warm there isn't likely an infection, but keep an eye on it. I had the same sort of wound, just a little smaller that was sore for about five days. The tissues under the thick skin of your foot are very sensitive. I have had EMG needles stuck in muscles all over my body (tounge, forehead, arms, legs, hands, feet) and by FAR the most painful area was the feet.

Watch for infection and give it a little more time to heal.
And Dr. Andrew, I have had 37

And Dr. Andrew, I have had 37 needles stuck in my feet to treat the four neuromas I developed from wearing the wrong kinds of shoes. (Many, various treatments that have failed completely.) So I know what you mean about sensitive feet. I can give blood from my wrist or arms all day long, I can take any kind of shot in the arm or the hiney, but put a needle near my feet now, and I WILL FREAK OUT! :cry:
If you have a small foreign

If you have a small foreign body in your foot, it often helps to try soaking in Epsom Salts and warm water for a few days.
The same exact thing happened

The same exact thing happened to me last summer eventually it just stopped hurting and went away. As such just make sure there isnt anything stuck in there and wait it out, one day you will simply not notice it and you'll forget all about it.

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