sickness and the paleo diet

barefoot kean

Jun 3, 2010
Ive been eating paleo for about 8 months now. It has not been overly strict but i do what i can for a college kid. Anyhow i have become rather sick lately (im thinking a sinus infection, so nothing too serious) and im wondering the sickness rates of others who eat paleo? Also, is there anything to do to speed up the getting better process?
lots of water, vitamins from

lots of water, vitamins from a natural source like wheatgrass and orange juice, and go for a long run 1 hour minimum. Soon you will be right as rain.
Interesting.  I've been

Interesting. I've been wondering the same thing. I've also been Primal/Paleo for 8 months. In that time I've had to treat 3 different infections (nothing serious). I don't think I've had to take antibiotics more than twice in the previous 10 years.

At this point I don't have enough data to consider it anything more than coincidence. My husband switched to Primal/Paleo at the same time and he's been healthy the entire time. It will be interesting to see if there's a common trend. Every other marker of my health has improved and I feel great, so I'm hopful that it's just a coincidence.


cleansings like that are

cleansings like that are normal as the body gets healthy. are you still eating dairy?

i find using a netti pot helps my sinus as well as lots of tea with lemon.

 I've been doing the Paleo

I've been doing the Paleo diet for about a year now...haven't been sick at all during that time but actually haven't been sick but one time in since I started barefoot running in 2005.

Now my kids have a long history of sinus infections and common colds and I can positively say using a Netti Pot like migangelo said above has mostly stopped their sinus troubles with very very few colds now...the Netti pot is worth a try.
I don't know anything about

I don't know anything about paleo but I'm a pro at getting rid of sinus infections. Lots of allergies combined with a total refusal to take antibiotics for something as utterly pointless as a sinus infection. So I thought I'd throw in some tips.

I would actually suggest using the squeeze bottle version of the netti pot. I found it worked a lot better. I can't remember the name, but if you look up the website you'll see it. It uses the same sort of saline, but just in a much better delivery system.

Also drink 8 ounces of water every waking hour. More after running Also steaming your face at least 2 times a day. If your tap water is hot enough you can do it by just running a sink full of super hot water, putting your face very near it with a towel over it to hold in the steam. Otherwise you can boil water.

Thats how I've been able to kick almost every one that's been thrown at me. The instructions were given to me by a doctor who was really rather annoyed with me for refusing to take his prescription, but after following the instructions to a T and getting rid of multiple horrendous ones, he no longer ever questions me when I tell him no on the antibiotics.

And I second the running comment. Running always helps sinus infections for me.
Try some probiotics like

Try some probiotics like acidophilus . You need some good bacteria to counter the bad bacteria. Don't buy that over-the-counter garbage either. Go to your local herb shop and get it out of their refrigerator. If it's "off-the-shelf" then the mico-organisms are dead and will be of no use. True probiotics have to be kept refrigerated. It may not be considered Paleo, but you're trying to get better right now, right? Orange juice is good for the body too, since it has vitamin C, and you need that.
One thing to look at is the

One thing to look at is the levels of carbohydrates you are eating. If you are letting them fluctuate wildly (usually by not being as strict on the diet), when you go back to your stricter periods you could be suffering from the "Low Carb Flu". It's actually not a flu, but one of the symptoms can be nasal congestion or sinus infection.

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