Ron Paul Appreciation Thread *Warning: Intense Amounts of Common Sense* Politics


Apr 5, 2011
I'm more of a lurker than anything on these forums, and I'm not sure how much anybody cares about politics here. I do know that there's really only one Presidential candidate that has any integrity or consistency though, and I thought I'd try to get some of you guys on board for the Revolution.

He's the only guy who has consistently voted against all of the wars and military interventions this country has taken part in around the world for the last 40 years or so. He wants to end the IRS, end the Federal Reserve system, and make the Constitution relevant to American politics again.

Frankly, a vote for anybody else is a vote for perpetual war, perpetual public debt, and the destruction of our currency.

Post videos of Ron Paul that you think are awesome.

on Paul 2012.

Edit: Can you not embed videos on this forum? Help!?
Only the admins can embed

Only the admins can embed videos, but your links will work just as good.
sadly most people think they

sadly most people think they have an actual vote for the president. you don't. your congressman and senator vote for them. it's called the electoral college and it's truly the only vote that matters. i'm sure it's why Gore dropped his case against Bush. he may have gotten the popular vote but not the important electoral college and they didn't want the public aware of this. the founders of this country truly didn't, and still don't, trust the general public. it's written into the constitution.

we would likely need an actual revolution to get him voted in. not a violent one but everyone together on this which there is too much dissent to happen. left, right, green, and whatever else. the money interests won't let this happen. their lives and control over everything would be threatened. no way this guy would come close to becoming president. it's a sad truth but one i would rejoice if it did happen.

ah, I see some one else has a

ah, I see some one else has a firm understanding of the way politics really function in this country.

get rid of the electoral college, the lobbyists and the money interests and I'll consider voting for some one like Ron Paul.

oh, there is more to consider even still: what happens when Ron Paul inevitably leaves office? he's just a man and there are a lot more things that need fixing than any one person can handle.

this is not to say folks shouldn't vote (if you're into that sort of thing) for him and try to spread the word of what his campaign represents. however, one need not have unrealistic expectations or hopes of what can be done. recall what a lot of folks felt about Obama when he was the new, it's the same phenom.
megabarefoot wrote:ah, I see

megabarefoot said:
ah, I see some one else has a firm understanding of the way politics really function in this country. get rid of the electoral college, the lobbyists and the money interests and I'll consider voting for some one like Ron Paul. oh, there is more to consider even still: what happens when Ron Paul inevitably leaves office? he's just a man and there are a lot more things that need fixing than any one person can handle. this is not to say folks shouldn't vote (if you're into that sort of thing) for him and try to spread the word of what his campaign represents. however, one need not have unrealistic expectations or hopes of what can be done. recall what a lot of folks felt about Obama when he was the new, it's the same phenom.

You won't get rid of the lobbyists and money interests if anybody else gets into office, that's the whole point of voting for him. He's the only candidate whose campaign isn't financed by the likes of Goldman Sachs and General Electric, he's funded by people. If he gets into office the lobbyists will have their power reduced dramatically - because the power to veto can stop all unconstitutional legislation that serves special interests.

When he leaves office? We elect somebody who will follow his legacy. I'm not saying he'll fix the country in a day, but he'll end the wars and get the federal government out of your wallet - that's a step in the right direction.

Obama was a false phenomena, funded by big banks and corporations. Ron Paul is the real deal, that's why his supporters are the most enthusiatic you'll see out there (and why I'm trying to get you guys on board). He's got the integrity and consistency to back up what he's saying.

He's been the sole dissenting vote on more acts of Congress than anybody in history. He doesn't cave in on his principles and that's what we need.

Just look at how they used to treat him four years ago:

nd now they don't ask him if he's electable, they just try to give him "gotcha" questions to discredit him:

That's some progress for just a few years.

Honestly, he's actually honest. When he speaks, it's about things he truly believes. He doesn't just spout tired partisan talking points like all the others. Obama keeps talking about taxing the rich and helping the poor, but we're still bombing people in Libya, building giant prisons in Bagram, and building new airbases for our drones in the Middle East.

Nobody is talking about fundamental changes to foreign, domestic, or monetary policy - except Ron Paul. So why not vote for him? It's either Dr. Paul or more of the same, regardless of the R or D in front of the name.

Edit: Also, on the electoral college: Vote for him in the primaries and get him the Republican nomination and he'll win hands down. Obama won't be able to handle him in debates. Ron will just keep bringing up how much failure all of Obama's Keynesian economic policies have brought about, and all the unconstitutional and illegal warring he's been doing.
The above stuff about Ron

The above stuff about Ron Paul is great and all, but I have to know.

"Can he or does he run barefoot?" ;-)
HahaI doubt he runs


I doubt he runs barefoot, but he used to be a track star and stuff when he was in school. So he WAS a runner. Now he just bikes around because he's like 76 and his knees probably can't take running anymore.

But I'm sure he'd love the fact that people do this.
I think what Mike and

I think what Mike and Megabarefoot were getting at is that we the people don't decide who is pres. the elctoral college does. Even if WE the PEOPLE all vote for him, the electoral college has the final say and do you really think they would allow him to be president?
Ugg I knew I shouldn't have

Ugg I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread....

The electoral college would never directly go against a candidate like that. Its a numbers game. Thats why people can win the popular vote but not the electoral vote. This is totally different than flat out going against your pledged electoral vote. When you vote for an elector they have already pledged to vote for a specific candidate. So you check the box for Ron Paul you are voting for someone who said "I am going to cast my vote for Ron Paul". Why would they change their mind? Furthermore if they did many states have laws against this. Michigan so much so that they will cancel the vote, many others will just bring criminal charges and in all cases the Party would cause major problem for that member. Regardless of the penalties for it, in order to make an actual change in the outcome of the election there would have to have an entire party infiltrated by people who had planned on doing this from the begining. The republicans aren't going to let people be electoral voters for them unless they are sure that their vote can be trusted. To do that they would all have had to be active in the party for a rather long time. Either that or you are saying that a huge number of republican electoral voters would change their vote to a democrat at the last minute? Even if they weren't happy with the primary results and weren't thrilled with voting for Ron Paul I'm sure they'd rather have him than a democrat. There has never been an example of electoral candidates changing their vote that has affected the national election. Perhaps if a situation arose where the 12th ammendment was invoked maybe then you have a case for the politicians going against what the american people want, but thats really a rather separate issue.

The electoral college archaic and should be removed, but lets not border on conspiracy theories. People already think we are weird for running barefoot.
call it a conspiracy theory

call it a conspiracy theory if you want. EVERY president, including the current one, are of royal lineage. if you can trace Paul's lineage to show royal blood, then, and only then may he have a chance.

That's why it's in the pub,

That's why it's in the pub, where we can just ignore it and have another beer instead of paying attention to it.

If I want to discuss politics I'll do it in a forum dedicated to it, that way no time is wasted trying to figure out stuff like Obama's or Bill's royal lineage.

Imagine what the political insiders with the real knowledge have to say about barefoot running and/or living!

Probably about as much nonsense as we would be spouting politicaly here.

I'm going back to the ALCS ballgame. 2-1 Tigers right now! Yeah!

Did I mention that Verlander wants me to teach him barefoot running technique before they commence the World Series ?
6-2 Tigers now!I know, take

6-2 Tigers now!

I know, take it to the baseball forums.

Hey it's the pub. Anything (almost) goes.
Exactly.  That's why we

Exactly. That's why we created The Pub. That's why it's in The Pub. Besides it has a WARNING label on it for those who may be offended, so they would be forewarned before opening the thread. I guess this didn't work for you, SP. Of course, if it gets extreme, it gets deleted.

Speaking of royal lineage, I am told by our family's genealogist my family on my mother's side are descended from kings in England. Cool. Then I was told that the same blood line includes the Gores and the Clintons. Is this supposed to be cool?

Oh, and Davy Crockett is my great, great..gazillion grand uncle.
I think people think I'm

I think people think I'm weird enough as it is. Can you see me running around barefoot with my Davy Crockett hat on? They would probably call the guys with the white jackets. Hell, I would probably call the guys with the white jackets myself!
bwahahaha! we need a like

bwahahaha! we need a like button!

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