pushing myself


Chapter Presidents
Jun 5, 2010
portland, or
i haven't been pushing myself too hard lately. that is to run or work out. sure, i ran most of the winter and some of it in driving rain and some cold days. hey, i found out the best time i have is in the driving rain in the forest bf an shirtless. after all of that my stamina is not what it was when i was training for the warrior dash last summer.

i run with joshh at least once a week. he is the Oregon chapter pres if you don't know. he lives in Portland right on the edge of forest park. i believe it's the biggest national park inside a city. well, it's a beautiful place and great for running. he runs out the door and uphill close to 2 miles. it's hard to keep up with him. tuesday we went for a run and i gave him permission to run ahead. he went uphill faster than most can run on flat land. talk about frustration watching that.

i got some trail gloves in the mail wednesday that i'm reviewing. i ran with them friday at forest park. i couldn't even run my 3 mile route. leg tightness forced me to walk the last bit. my left calf tightens on me a lot but this time it was my whole leg. i felt it the whole night while i worked waiting tables.

yesterday i went for a run again in the shoes. the tightness came on quicker. i stretched during my run and talked myself into going further like i did last summer. i made it into an hour run and the tightness was gone. i felt great. so great i got up and went for a run around my house this morning. its about 3 miles. i wore my huaraches. the fastest i've done it has been about 26 mins. i have to say about since i don't have gps so i guess on the distance and the time since i don't have a watch. i run with my cell phone and dog. i guess the time i start and finish and subtract some time since i have to stop for the dog.

so this morning i pushed myself again and ran it in about 21 mins. i could have went faster but the air was cold. i'm sitting here close to an hour later and still wheezing from the cold. i feel good and know i could've went faster had it been warmer.when i first did this route it was about 40 mins some 8 months ago.

from now on i will push myself more. why not? i can do it and it won't kill me. no, i won't do tmts or any other damage. i want to run for fun and for life, not one race. i've gotta thank joshh for the motivation to push myself. running with others lets you know how far you can push yourself and motivate yourself and your friends.

I've been pushing myself a

I've been pushing myself a little bit more lately too. I ran with my 8 year old son last night around the neighborhood, about 2.3 miles, both of us barefoot. My feet are more conditioned than his, but he runs without a care, as though he's been running on asphalt barefoot forever. Just trying to keep up with him is work. I plan to let him run more often with me. (We had been a bit laxed lately.)
I'm pushing myself also this

I'm pushing myself also this year. My new goal is to complete a half marathon with an average pace of 7:30 minutes/mile. I hope age doesn't get in the way. 47 years old. Every year my time gets better, but for how long?
That's a great goal, Larry,

That's a great goal, Larry, but better that you get better with each passing year! You're only getting younger.
i have no plans for a 1/2 nor

i have no plans for a 1/2 nor a full but as i have found even the best laid plans are subject to change. i just saw and know that i can do better so am i pushing myself for that. i've settled for less and now it's time to push for more.

i told my girls how i ran about a 7 min/mile and the older one laughed. she reminded me she mostly walked a mile in 8 mins. i told her i'm old and that's good for me. she's a teenager now so she's getting lippier.

Jt, i run with a phone only, no watch. it's been a safety issue and doesn't slow me down, just the dog.
