One nasty blister!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
I was browsing the net and came upon this. This was part of a review given on the New Balance MT100. OWIE!

"My feet slide around in them too much (I wear 11.5 in Asics for 10 years and tried 11.5 in these) when I am taking a hard turn or descending quickly down a hill. I actually tore a layer of skin on the bottom of my foot under the heel this past weekend in a trail race. I must have planted my foot on a turn/rock and my shoe/skin stayed put but the rest of my foot moved. Ouch!"

ouch! the shoes slide too much, in-sole is slick
Okay, I'll take a stab at

Okay, I'll take a stab at it...
The foot looks wrinkley on bottom, kind of like the foot has been wet for a while. I had something similar happen to me one time. I was running on a flat (very flat and very straight paved path). It had been raining on me, and my shoes and socks were wet. All of a sudden something felt really wrong. It was like an area "under the skin" of my heel had separated from the thick heel skin. It had never happened before, nor since. My bet is wet feet...friction from the pressure of running downhill...would NOT have happened if they were bf. 'Course, I'm not a doctor. ;)
Okay, this CAN'T be real. 

Okay, this CAN'T be real. YEEOWIE!

I have no idea.  I couldn't

I have no idea. I couldn't find the story to it. Here's another one for your viewing enjoyment.

Okay, that one you are

Okay, that one you are talking about came from a site full of parkour-type images, but the guy was wearing shoes while doing parkour.