One more of the kind


Apr 13, 2011
Hi from Denmark,

I started running in VFF 10 days ago. I have started slowly 1K every second day. I have been running for 2 years and last year I completed 5 ½ marathons. Unfortunately I have suffered from sciatica pain since November. So now I am giving barefoot running a change. I really like the idea.

Before my sciatica problems appeared I bought a number for the Berlin Marathon. It is in late September. Is it to optimistic to run this race in my VFF? Anyone with experience.

Best regards

Thomas Lund
I think you can run the full

I think you can run the full in VFFs by then, you may even be able to do it barefoot by then. Some of us progress quicker than others. It depends on several factors though: Have you lived mostly barefoot before becoming a runner? Do you shun shoes at all possible times? How often do you plan to train for this event and at what intensity? If you get injured from now until then, that could set you back.

Just know that if your sciatic nerve problems still exist while running in the VFFs, then you should give true barefoot running a try to see if the sciatica goes away.

Welcome and good luck!
Hi,thank you for your


thank you for your answer. It was helpfull. One thing I noticed is that many books and articles write that you should only run 500 meters a day when beginning BF running. But after reading in this forum and other places on the internet I have figured out that running 2-3 km is ok as long as your body feels ok with it.

What distances did you run when you went BF?

I started at 5min, roughly

I started at 5min, roughly 1/2 mile.

BTW, those are some awesome hobbit feet you got there! :)
My first barefoot run was a

My first barefoot run was a mile. I progressed quickly from there. It seemed like no time at all had passed (a month?), and I was up to 10 miles, with a big, deep tissue, blood blister. Thank you little blister, lesson learned = I was pushing off. Note to self: Don't do that! Once I healed from that, in a week or so, I was back at it, running anywhere from 6 - 10 miles at a time. BUT, I was mostly barefoot all the time anyway and had always gone barefoot whenever, wherever I could. That makes a huge difference.
I started fully barefoot with

I started fully barefoot with 1k and progressed from there. Now, not quite six months later, I'm up to 11k and planning on adding 1k a week until the BERLIN MARATHON. :) Just listen to your body and don't do anything it's telling you not to do...BUT...if you do end up running in Berlin this September, it'd be awesome to meet up!
Welcome to BRS, I don't

Welcome to BRS,

I don't ever run over 10 miles VFF's so you will just have to see on those. I can run over 20 miles barefoot though...that is easier for me.

You have some time to sort this out...full barefoot may be doable... how long it takes is unknown and varies widely and since you have a running base it sounds like if you have enough patience ... you have a shot.

I'm not sure what causes sciatica I'm guessing that is some swelling or pressure on your nerve somewhere. Kinda restarting barefooting may work since your basically resting compared to full marathon training.

I ran way to much barefoot and other TMTS stuff in the beginning and to had restart several times...once I settled down and restarted out at about 1/2 mile every other day I was good, slowly built up to a fast half marathon a few months later. That was several years ago and I've been injury free since.

Abide hit on it...many many barefooters over do it and have to learn the TMTS lesson first hand to really get seems to be a right of passage in a way.
Welcome, Thomas.  It sounds

Welcome, Thomas. It sounds like you're approaching this wisely, and you're getting plenty of the right advice from those who have already posted. I'll just summarize with "start slow and short and work up slowly with rest/recovery days in between" and "barefoot is best for learning."
Hi,thank you for all your


thank you for all your comments. This is a new world to me so it great to know how you guys/girls started out. I ran 4 km yesterday evening. I think it might have been 1 km to much. Today my peroneus are quite painful. I guess this is TMTS and I should slow down.....just a little bit :) The good thing is that I had almost no problems with my sciatic nerve during or after the run.

Barefuss Chelsea I hope that we can meet at line up 25. September :)

That's great news about the

That's great news about the sciatic nerve. Just remember to take it slow and easy as you build up your miles.

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