OMG! They're writing about me!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Hee.  I am truly flattered. 

Hee. I am truly flattered. It is funny though. I think it's kinda silly really.
Loved seeing the

Loved seeing the article.

Still wondering though:

"Her research into footless running, both through the establishment of the Barefoot Runner's Society....."

Is there going to be a footless RW forum next?

If so, will you then branch off and start a footless runners society?
Nice shout out, TJ! And just

Nice shout out, TJ! :)

And just in case you do ever decide to start a footless running forum someday, I'd like to reserve the avatar "StumpyBumpalong" now while I still have the chance. I just think it has a nice ring to it. :p
Longboard wrote:Loved seeing

Longboard said:
Loved seeing the article. Still wondering though: "Her research into footless running, both through the establishment of the Barefoot Runner's Society....."

Yeah, really, this forum has SO sold out. Everybody is running with FEET. When are we going to get back to the real deal, running on bloody femurs?

YOU GUYS CRACK ME UP! Wasn't that funny? You would think he would have proofed his article. Geez. What about when he said "learn how to re-run" instead of "relearn how to run?" I mean really!
No problem Chad. Took me a

No problem Chad. Took me a while too. I consider it a guy thing to assume most people posting here are guys until proven otherwise. This ain't exactly a hookup site (other than to schedule a group meet-up anyway – highly recommended btw!), so putting down a sex isn't even an option (I don't think anyway).

I guess seeing photos of her feet with toenail polish on them kinda nudged me to one side of the fence. That photo under her s/n is kinda small and all I notice most of the time is the three big lugs hamming it up for the camera beside her. She tends to disappear to me for that reason. I like the M.N.S reference though. :)

John T.
I know.  It's exciting, isn't

I know. It's exciting, isn't it? It makes me wonder why God gave me these messed up feet! Must be for a reason, right?

I don't get the reference to M.N.S. I did look him up and saw that he is a screen writer born in India, but I still don't get it.

And yes, I am but just a wee bitty girl. Ha! I love it when someone thinks I'm a guy and then finds out otherwise. It cracks me up!

Responsible for such movie

Responsible for such movie hits as The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and The Village. Best known for his "surprise" twister endings like Bruce Willis' character being a ghost and not alive the whole movie in Sixth Sense, Bruce Willis being an actual superhero and not an ordinary man in unbreakable, and the quaint old fashioned village from the 19th century is actually in modern times in a fenced off preserve. Endings which we have come to expect from him and aren't as effective anymore in shocking us. So he was saying he was a bit shocked :)

John T.