Newbie from Vancouver

Hello, I have been a shod runner since the late 1990's and haven't been doing any exercise for the past few years due to illness. I am itching to get back to running but since reading "Born to Run" I am thinking barefoot is the way to go for me. I've had chronic issues with calves, low back, achilles, etc., so this all makes sense. But where to start? I am finding all sorts of info on this site that will help and hope to find a group here in Vancouver that can help me transition. I look forward to becoming part of this community!
Welcome, Barbara.  I see you

Welcome, Barbara. I see you found our Canada Chapter. KittyK heads up the Vancouver group, and they're a really neat club, so you will be hearing from her soon, I'm sure.

Some places to check out on how to start is our Library where there is a link called Barefoot Running 101 by Jason Robillard, and of course, you will definitely want to get Ken Bob's Saxton's and Roy Wallack's book titled Barefoot Running Step By Step. Jason also has a book out The Barefoot Running Book: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running, second edition.

And of course, we have lots of knowledgeable, highly experienced barefoot runners here to answer all your questions.
Thanks for your welcome TJ!!

Thanks for your welcome TJ!! There is so much information on this site and others I've been to, that's for sure. I'm right by Stanley Park which has all sorts of terrain so I can go play in there (and will try to avoid the goose poop!!). I'm excited to be a part of this community and will refer to it daily, I'm sure.

Thanks again!!
Welcome to the crew, running

Welcome to the crew, running in Stanley Park now that is a treat. When I used to go to Van City for business, I used to make a point to go to Stanley Park for a walk in the evening (pre barefoot running days) loved every minute of it.
Welcome, Barbara!  You'll

Welcome, Barbara! You'll find a world of great experience here for the asking, and your local chapter is the best thing you could hope to find. Actually running barefoot with an experienced runner who's already been through the challenges of learning how to do it is invaluable. I capped off several months of asking for advice and reading books with one 30-minute BFR with an experienced BFRer; during that run, all the advice came together in a giant "a-ha!" and I had it.

As a fellow diver, I'd still recommend fins rather than barefoot when diving, but for running, barefoot is king! It's a fantastic experience in itself, it provides you a sustainably healthy way to run and get aerobic exercise, and it's just plain fun. Just start now thinking about how you will humorously respond to the neanderthal comments you WILL get on having "forgotten your shoes."

To Barefooting Bob, I've been

To Barefooting Bob, I've been living beside Stanley Park for the better part of 30 years and have never taken it for granted. When one lives in a big city and rarely has to run on an actual road with cars, you have to consider how lucky you are. You can feel like you're a million miles from everywhere when you're deep in the trails.

Phil, I am looking forward to meeting a barefoot runner face to face, although virtually is better than nothing no doubt. I had an "ah ha" moment when I read "Born to Run" and am looking forward to the big AH HA when I actually do. But... baby steps. I wonder if I wore my fins while practicing if that would help my form :)

Any suggestions for responses to neanderthal question will be well received.

Thanks all!!
Hi Barbara,Face-to-face

Hi Barbara,

Face-to-face barfoot running is rare. I have one guy at work that runs once a week with me. Your in luck though, as KittyK will be organizing a meeting of the Vancouver Chapter very soon. (within the next couple weeks) She's great - but don't tell her that cause it will go to her head.

I would suggest starting with Ken Bob's website. His advice will definitely get you going down the right path. Progress very slowly, relax, and listen to your feet.

Flippers are actually not bad. Virtually zero-drop and certainly train you to lift your feet

Get out do some walk abouts barefoot. Start getting your feet and pychy ready for running barefoot.

Talk soon,

Barefoot YOW (Rod)
Welcome to the site!You

Welcome to the site!

You mention you have chronic issues with a lot of body parts that must be strong when running barefoot, such as your calves, low back, achilles. Good news is they can be strengthened over time as you build up the feet. I fear that if you wear footwear to start, then you may be able to continue running long enough to do TMTS, or other injury.

Better to rely on those nice soft soles of your feet to tell you it's time to stop, as they are likely to be the first part of your body to complain. You want to do only as much as your bare feet will tolerate.

I highly recommend reading Barefoot Ken Bob's site on the topic of beginning barefoot running. Trying to avoid being barefoot (at the beginning) can do more harm than you would think.

I know I wanted to wear Vibrams to get the rest of me strong before working on my bare feet, but every time I have worn those shoes and gone for a good run, I have paid for it in my legs. When my bare feet have called it quits, I have an easy time of it everywhere else. My feet have bounced back MUCH faster (almost always the next day) than any leg complaint, so I would rather have a sore bottom of the foot than a sore leg any day.

John T.
I was up in Vancouver

I was up in Vancouver recently to run the marathon and you guys certainly have plenty of areas to get in some barefoot running. Kitty gave me a nice tour of the city and I don't think there was a single area where I saw a need for shoes.

You should definitely get in touch with her and pick her brain. And then go for some drinks afterwards.
I wore my new Saucony

I wore my new Saucony minimalist shoes walking around shopping yesterday, and went for a walk in the park today for about an hour and it all felt great. No backache, leg or foot problems. Although the temptation to start running minimalist, I'll listen to all your great advice and do the barefoot thing.

Take care, all!!

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