My small rant...

Indeed, I wouldn't tend to go around calling strangers crazy in any language. It'll just make a nice, & possibly more accurate, substitute for "Je suis Anglaise", which is my usual excuse for any slightly odd behaviour!

Indeed, English people are very strange (I am joking) :)

You can't say : "Je suis folle"(I am crazy), because someone will call the "men in white" :)


Quelqu'un a dit : "Je suis folle" ?

I am not crazy, je suis Anglaise !!!
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Minas Tirith

Guess I already have my real locations plastered over everything so no hiding it. On the old forum when I signed up I didnt see a place to put your location so I thought I'd tack it onto my username. Now its rather redundant wish I'd have left it off.

You know JT, on other forums I'm on people get freaked out about giving out anything real. And on one, which is mostly teens and collage age(and probably atleast 50% girls) if some were to post that youd probably be suspected of being some kind of stalker!
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