Minor adjustments in form


May 19, 2012
Hillsboro, OR
Looking for advise on making small changes in form. I ran 4 miles
this morning and 3 yesterday and my soles are doing fine... BUT, after
the run this morning the edge of my third toe, and only on my right
foot, had abraded just enough to bleed. Now I noticed the feeling during
the run, and I was even semi-consciously trying to keep my toes up on
the lift-off phase, but it seems that toe is still catching. So, is there anything
I can do consciously about this?
Which edge? Like the end, the right edge, or the left edge?
Well, the side it's on tells a lot about your gait. I am puzzled. You should post your question to the "ask the Docs" section.
Jaybird, are you gripping the ground with your toes? I have to really concentrate to not do that. If I don't I get blisters on the tips of a couple of toes.
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Yep...focusing too much can make you tense your feet....sometimes the answer is thinking less*