Minimal Jersey Shore Living

Bill Garrett

Hello. I've been running for almost two years, all of it barefoot or in minimal shoes (VFF Sprint and Xeroshoes). I was strictly barefoot until burning my feet pretty badly on a particularly hot day (I usually run streets). Anyway, I'm very glad to have found and become part of the BRS!
Welcome, Bill! We're glad you've found your long-lost family. I burned the soles a time or two myself while figuring out just exactly what temperature produced asphalt that was too hot to run on. I still run lots barefoot but also use VFF Bikilas to run rougher territory, hotter streets, or longer distances. BF is still the most fun and rewarding for me, as I'd suspect it is for you. But shoes are the best (and necessary) tools at times.
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Welcome, Bill! How did you learn about us?
Welcome Bill. I was at the Jersey Shore this summer. They of course do not open the beaches until 9 a.m. I was running the boardwalk one morning when three women were just finishing their run. One of them looked at my bare feet and said, "You can run on the beach." She was just trying to be nice and trying to explain that even though the beach was closed, as long as I keep moving no one would bother me. I didn't want to stop and explain how I sought out hard surfaces, so just smiled and keep going.
Welcome Bill!
I also get comments when running on paved A1A through Cocoa Beach while on vacation. People think I really don't know that there is a pretty flat beach a hundred feet away.
Also, most beaches have a natural slope, which can put excessive stress on one side of the body. I much prefer sandy trails to the beach. Then again, if people are making silly comments about being barefoot, they probably aren't thinking about all that.
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If I have time, I usually try to get over to Island Beach State Park and run the road and trails. Sometimes the Seaside Heights/Park boardwalk after the tourist season is over.

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