Mileage Reporting Week 36 (Sep 6 - Sep 12)


Apr 27, 2013
Denison Tx
Boulder and I did a 3 mile run Tuesday at 4:45 am. Very dark and clear skies (lots of stars) . I don't use a head light but carry a pen flashlight and use it often to check ahead. we heard some Barred owls and spotted some horses. fun run!
4.3 miles on Wednesday and 6.1 miles today. Both runs were in pleasant running weather. The Erie Presque Isle Marathon was being held this morning while I was running, so I saw lots of runners. This year was limited to 2000 entrants. Actually, this marathon is very popular internationally because it is one of the latest qualifiers for the Boston Marathon and it is a very pleasant and flat course.
Managed to get away for short break for the last week, but did manage to keep up the running routine a bit -so 11.5km on Sunday run around a small town in Cumbria. Pretty flat, which is unusual for that part of the country, but nice run in a new setting…:)
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